The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1425. Then to the maid he gave a mantle adorned with rare jewels, Badakhshan rubies and jacinths that glowed like smouldering fires. And as they gazed on the two whose faces dazzled like lightning, They were entranced and their hearts were rekindled with soul-melting fires.

1426. The king gave to Pridon and Avtandil countless valuable presents. An excellent horse with a richly bejewelled bridle and saddle, On each he also bestowed a mantle covered with jewels. “What tbanks can we utterl, they said, “May your days be long and prosperous!:.

1427. Tariel also expressed his thanks to the King of the Seas: I am honoured, o King, and glad in my heart to see you. You with your bounty have filled us with costly and measureless presents. We are indebted to you for the honour you have done uS!.

1428. The King of the Seas answered: "O mighty and lion like sovereign, Absence from you means death, for your presence gives birth to new life. What can I give you, what treasure is there that is worthy of you. How can I live, o lion, if my eyes behold you no longer'!'

1429. Tariel said to Patman: I adopt you as sister, my Patman; I can never repay the inestimable debt l owe you. Now I have brought from the Kajis, costly and valuable riches. Take them. I give them to you as a mark of my boundless gratitude.

1430. Patman bent low before Tariel. thanked him heartily, saying; Parting from you, O King, makes me burn with unquenchable fire. What shall I do when distant from you? Longing will slay me! Blessed are they who are near you, but worse than death to be parted".

1431. The three dazzling heroes now spoke to the revered King of the Seas. Their snow-white teeth glowed like crystals, their lips like pearl-tinted rubies. “Though separation from you will deprive us .of joy., they told him. And silence the sound of merriment, yet it is time to leave you,.

1432. “Be, o great King, our hope, our father and best-beloved parent. One thing we ask you: Give Us a ship to return to our country). “For you”, said the king, d would gladly make the grave my abode. Since you must go, then go. Let your arms and your heart be your guide.

1433. The king fitted out a ship. The heroes embarked and set sail. Those who remained behind bitterly mourned the parting. They beat their heads with their fists, tore their hair and cast it away. Patman's tears in their unceasing flow augmented the ocean.

1434. The brothers, invincible heroes, crossed many a sea together. They confirmed with words the vow they had formerly plighted; And as they sailed, the skies resounded with laughter and merriment. Rays from their smiling lips captured the glow of the crystal.

1435. But they despatched a messenger to carry the tidings to Asmat, Also to Nuradin's realm, to the chiefs of the royal armies: The sun who invests the planets with prolific rays is coming. The frost that shrivelled and froze us to ice wlll freeze us no longen.

1436. They seated that radiant sun in a palanquin when they landed. They were as gay as children, glad that their sorrows were over. After a happy journey they came to Nuradin's kingdom Where they were welcomed with songs and a flourish of trumpets and cymbals.

1437. They were received by Nuradin's nobles with plaudits and homage. Asmat, with countenance gleaming, with joy ran forward to Nestan. Locked in each other's arms it seemed no force could unloose them. She had fulfilled her service; all trials and suffering were ended.

1438. Nestan-Darejan tenderly kissed and caressed the malden. “My dean, she said, “I have filled you, alas, with grief and affliction. Now that the Lord has granted us grace I acknowledge His mercies. But can I ever repay a heart like yours, my Asmath

1439. Thanks be to God), said Asmat, ethat I see the roses unfrozen. That which was hidden and lost was revealed by courage and wisdom. Death itself seems to me life when I see you happy. Better than love of friends is the love of a lord and his vassal!,


1440. The nobles and lords did homage and showered praises upon them. Blest is the Lord and His Divinity since He has made us rejoice' He has shown us your radiant face. No longer do fires consume us. He who inflicted the wound had the balm to soothe and heal ib.

1441. They made profound salut.ation, kissed their hands and embraced them. Tariel said: “For our sake your brothers have died in the battle. They hold communion with God. Have attained everlasting happiness. Now are their glories increased a hundred times twentyfold more.

1442. “their death has afflicted us sorely and we bitterly weep and mourn them. Yet theY8re now with the blessed having reaped immortal inheritance-. Tariel wept and tbe rain of bis tears was commingled witb snowflakes. Narcissi trembled as Boreas blew and the rose was frozen.

1443. Seeing Tariel in tears they all fell to weeping grievously; Whoever had lost a kinsman moaned and lamented loudly. Soon all were hushed. They said: eWhy should we weep. o Tariel? We should be gay and happy since we can look upon you!