The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1464. This is my only desire, to see you the sovereign of India, Enthroned on two golden thrones. You and the heavenly sun, She at your side with her beautiful countenance flashing forth Iightning. And with your enemies shattered beneath the might of your power.

1465. When this desire of mine' to behold you made king is accomplished, I shall return to Arabia where the light of my life Is waiting. She will extinguish the flames that are straining and burning within me. I flatter you not when I say that this is my only desire:

1466. Pridon acquainted Tariel at once with Avtandil's answer. He said: “Though this is his wish. by God, I refuse to fulfil it. Just as he found the means to restore my life and happiness. Even so shall he see how a faithful and grateful brother can serve him.

1467. Go now, my Pridon, to him and tell him all I have spoken. Add: 'I cannot remain but must pay my respects to Rostevan. Have you forgotten the day I slaughtered his favourite soldiers' I only desire to behold that king and entreat his forgiveness-,

1468. All is decided. TeU him not to send me any more messages. Say I shall set out at dawn without fail for the kingdom of Arabia, Surely the king of the Arabs will hear my words and forgive me; Also with pleasant entreaties. I shall beg the hand of his daughter

1469. Pridon went back to Avtandil and told him Tariel's decision He has resolved to go, nothing you say will dissuade him». Though in Avtandil's heart disappointment was kindled anew, Yet obedience is due to kings and submission from servants.

1470. So he at once went to Tariel and on bended knee beseeched him. With downcast eyes he remained humbly kneeling before him. I have sinned against my king. I cannot sin any longer. Why make me add new sin to my sin and again deceive him'

1471. “The justice of Heaven wlU never allow your desire to be granted. How can I be disloyal to one whom I love as a father, Who for my sake sits gloomy and pale. lamenting my absence' How can I use my sword against a devoted master'

1472. “Would such a treacherous deed please my sun, his daughter' I would be cursed and wretched if she frowned upon me in anger; Then I would-languish alone, parted from her for ever. For she will never forgive a treacherous deed of a lover.

1473. Tariel whose radiance eclipsed the brightest of suns sprang forward. Taking Avtandil's hand, he raised and embraced him laughing; I am indebted to you who delight in the gladness you gave me, Why not add joy be letting me see you rejoice?

1474. “Friends should be open-hearted. unreserved and frank to each other; Continuous silence and gloom and a haughty demeanour Is hateful. He who desires my friendship should always be frank and outspoken, Otherwise let him depart from me and seek not my friendship.

1475. “Tbe beart of a lover is always as one with tbe beart of its loved one, Therefore the sight of your friend will not annoy or displease her. I shall converse with the king In prudent and pleasing language, I only desire to behold the all-admired might of your sovereign.

1476. Only this will I ask you and humbly entreat his highness: That of his own free will he should give you his daughter in marriage. Since you love one another why should you bear separation' Why should you suffer apart? Beautify one another”.

1477. Now that he knew from Tariel that he would not hinder his going, Avtandil pleaded no more but added his willing approval. Pridon selected the bravest and best of his men as escorts. Thus they all set out together, rejoicing and gay as they journeyed.


1478. Dionysius the sage has revealed the following wisdom to us: God is the giver of good and not the creator of evil. Evil is short-lived and transient while good endures for ever. He, the Supreme and Perfect. Makes His Perfect self more Perfecb.

1479. The lions and radiant suns set out from Nuradin's kingdom. They led the sun-faced maiden. She astonished all who saw her. Wings of the raven were gracefully coiled against the crystal. Beauty adorned the Badakhshi ruby and made it glow brighter.

1480. Thus, with the sun in a palanquin, they joyfully went on their way. Sporting, they followed the chase, slaughtering beasts beyond number. Wherever they came to a land they were the joy of beholders. Who hailed them with praises and eulogies, Bestowed upon them rich presents.

1481. She seemed the sun on a throne in the sky amongst radiant moons. Wise conversation and mirth filled up their days as they journeyed Through uninhabited plains and places unknown to mortals. Till in the distance they saw the cavern where Tariel had lived.

1482. Tariel said: cIt is seemly that today I be your host. Come. Let us go to the cave where I passed my days in madness. Asmat as hostess will treat us with meat and wine from her larder. Also the gifts I shall give you will not only please but amaze you.