The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1444. Who among mortals is worthy of the tears you shed'-they asked him. Deatb for your sake is far better than being alive without you I,' “Why do you weep and embitter yourself?”said Pridon to Tarlel. May God In return bestow a thousand joys upon youl”

1445. Avtandil also expressed his condolence In sorrowful phrases. But tbere arose acclamations: cLet us now smile and be happy. Since the lost lion has found the lost sun why should we grieve? We will no longer let tears flow down from our eyes in streams”.

1446. Then they all went to the beautiful city of Mulghazanzar Where they were hailed by the people with shouts of joy and of welcome. The sound of the drum and trumpet blended with that of the clarion. The inhabitants heard them approach and at once left their houses to meet them.

1447. Leaving their shops the merchants hastened to greet their arrival. Every window. roof and street was thronged with crowds of spectators; And it required the utmost exertion of well-armed officers Who were drawn out in lines on the road to prevent disorder.

1448. When they arrived at Pridon's palace the heroes dismounted. A carpet of gold brocade was spread for them to walk on. Richly clothed slaves with girdles of gold threw gold in the air. Which resounded with shouts as the crowd picked it up in heaps and in handful.

1449. They placed a white and coral.hued throne for tile youth and the maiden. Sprinkled with precious gems that glittered like sunrays on rubies. A golden throne that was studded with jet was brought forth for Avtandil. Then they all seated themselves in the midst of an admiring assembly.

1450. The sound of lyres and flutes mingled with that of sweet singing. They celebrated the wedding of Tariel the lion and the sun-maid. Pridon bestowed silk fabrics. Brocades and rich garments upon them Nestan-Darejan smiled and her face lit up with radiance.

1451. They brought Incomparable gifts from Pridon's countless coffers. Nine magnificent pearls as large as goose's eggs, Also a gem so bright that it darkened the light of the sunrays, And by its light an artist could have painted a picture at midnight.

1452. He presented to each a necklace unrivalled In value and beauty, Also cut gems and whole jacinths which outshone the sun in its brightness; Then they brought in a large basin of gold full of beautiful pearls. This was a gift from the generous Pridon to the lion-like Avtandil.

1453. That tray was full of large pearls. the finest there could be on earth. With loving and eloquent words he gave all the pearls to Avtandil. The house was filled with silk, brocade and soft cloth of gold. Tariel, the proud and godlike, thanked Pridon for all his bounty.

1454. Nuradin treated his guests in a manner befitting great monarchs. Eight days and eight nights were spent in magnificent wedding festivities; Each day the gifts bestowed were greater than the last. Never had eyes ever seen such a pair as that lion and the sun-maid!

1455. One day Tariel told Pridon all that what he had in his heart: , More than the heart of a brother Is your heart now mine, dear Pridon. My life and my soul could never, my friend, be a fitting return. . Dying I found from you the balm for my dolorous wound.

1456. Well do you know of Avtandil"s faithful service to me. Since he has sacrificed all for my sake I desire to serve him. Go now and ask. Perhaps he will tell. you his wishes. He has extinguished my fires yet burns in a furnal!e himself.

1457. Tell him: 'Nothing can repay the woes you have seen for my sakel,” God Himself will reward you and pour down blessings upon: you. ' If for your sake' Hail fo fulfil all thatyou long for, May I be cursed. May I never behold my home and my countryl

1458. 'Tell me, my friend, your desire, tell me how I can help you. With you as our guide let -us go at once to the realm of Ar.ahia. All will be done as you wish -with words, or, if needs be with battle . If you will Hot marry your sun I will be no husband to mine',.

1459. Nuradin went to Avtandil and told him Tarlel's message. Avtandil laughed and the smile that lit up his face became him. He said: Whom 'do I 'need to help me I am not wounded.. No Kajis have captured my sun, nor is she sorely afflicted.

1460. By God's will she sits on a throne, a puissant and powerful :sovereign; She is loved and respected, enjoys peace in her kingdom. She is oppressed by no Kajis.nor 'by spells and magic of wizards. Tell me then why should I want any help with regard t.o. my, loved one':

1461. I have commended myself to the bands of the Heavenly powers.' Who will, I hope, bring balm to my heart that fires are consuming; Then I will see once again the radiant rays of the sun. Therefore till then, my Pridon, 'of her attempts are all ‘futile;

1462. “Go and report my answer to Tariel and tell him as follows: What have I done, o King, to deserve your thanks and praises?' Even from the womb of my mother I was destined to be your servant. Let me remain but ; dust till I see you acknowledged as king.

1463. You said you desired to see me united to my beloved; This is the prompting and wish of your generous heart, my Tariel, "Sword cannot cut nor eloquence move where love is in power. Better for me to wait and trust to the will of Heaven.