The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1350. Then they gave thanks to God for His aid and support in their trials. Deeply and fervently prayed to the glory of God and His mercies. Then, overwhelmed with their joy, they merrily entered the cavern. Asmat prepared some refreshment and placed it gaily before them.

1351. Tariel said to AvtandiI: “Listen to what I shall tell you, For, dear friend, I will now disclose a secret to you. I have related to you of my seizing these caves from the Devis. The Devis are slain but their treasure is hidden within these caverns.

1352. I have not seen it, nor did I have the slightest desire. But now let us open the vaults and see what is hidden within them”. Gally they rose and together with Asmat went to the storehouse. They broke open forty locks. Entered forty vaults.

1353. They were astonished to see riches unequalled in value: Diamonds, rubies and other rare jewels of exquisite workmanship; There they saw chests of pearls, each as large as a ball. As to the gold, it lay in glittering heaps beyond measure.

1354. Each of the vaults was a treasure-house Il'den with countless riches. One was a newly-built arsenal with armour and weapons of warfare. These were arranged in array along the walls of the chamber. But in a corner they saw a large unopened coffer.

1355. On it was written in gold: cHere lies wonderful armour: Helmets of chain, habergeons. adamant, steel-cutting sabres. Woe to the Kaji who dares attack the impregnable Devil He who opens the coffer will slay and vanquish the monarch

1356. Quickly they opened the coffer, found the armour within it, Three suits of newly-made armour that the best of warriors might wear. Three coats of mail, three swords, three helmets, greaves and breastplates. Each was enshrined in an emerald case that lit up the chamber.

1357. Each clothed himself in the armour. Chain helmet, greaves and habergeons, Put on the sword that cut through iron as though it were cotton. They felt indomitable courage and power pervade their bodies. For nothing in the world would they have bartered that armour.

1358. This is”they said, ca sign of our, victory over the enemyl, Lifting their hands to the heavens. they said:O Lord, we thank You!, Light flashed and lit up the cave as they fastened the clasps of their armour. They bound with strong leather thongs the armour for Nuradin Pridon.

1359. They took the armour for Pridon, and gold and jewels for the way. Then they sealed the chambers filled with the wealth of the Devis. The time has come”said Avtandil. “to fasten our palms to sabres. Let us remain here till dawn and then set out on our journey,.


1360. When it was dawn they set out with Asmat mounted behind them. Thus did they ride till at last they arrived in Nuradin's kingdom, Where for a price in gold they purchased a courser for Asmat. And once again they continued their way, AvtandiI leading.

1361. They rode at their leisure until they met with Nuradin's herdsmen. Round them were grazing numberless herd of excellent horses. “Pridon will come when he hears of his herds being seized by marauders. Come”, said Tariel to Avtandil, “let us playa joke on Pridon”.

1362. "Let us chase his herd. He will hasten here to seize us, But will be greatly surprised when he finds no marauders to capture. And when, all I at once, he sees us, his wrath will be turned to gladness. Truly such sport is pleasant and makes even the proud feel gay .

1363. Then they rode forward and pounced on the finest of Nuradin's horses. Nuradin's herdsmen were frightened and hastily lit their torches. “Who are you, comrades, they shouted, “that you dare seize the herds of our master” He is so mighty a king that the fiercest of enemies fear him .

1364. For answer they heard a shower of arrows whistling towards them. Loudly they shrieked and their voices were raised in outcries of terror. Help us I”they shouted, “Help usl Brigands have fallen upon us!” Crying for help they ran as fast as they could to Pridon,

1365. Who on hearing their cries mounted his horse and rode forward. Then with loud shouts his soldiers rushed forth and surrounded the meadow, The two shining suns whom no winter could freeze or wither came forward, But they were hid and their faces concealed in their armour and helmets.

1366. Tariel knew Pridon at once. he said: “That's the man we are seeking.. Doffing his helmet. he smiled and laughingly said to Pridon: “What do you want. my Pridon' Has our coming annoyed and displeased you? Does a good host welcome his guests fully accoutred for battIe?”

1367. Pridon swiftly dismounted and joyfully hastened to meet them. They had also alighted and warmly kissed and embraced him. Pridon with upraised hands thanked God for His boundless goodness. The nobles and peer who knew them also welcomed them warmly.

1368. “Why did you tarry. My brothers? I expected you sooner”, said Pridon. “Know I am ready to serve and do all in my power to assist you”. They were wondrous to look at, two suns and a moon united As they remounted their steeds and merrily set out together.