The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1483. When they arrived at the mouth of the cave they quickly alighted. Asmat carved some meat and placed it before her guests. They heartily ate and drank while they talked of their past adventures. Thanking the lord that their days of woe were now turned to rejoicing.

1484. After their meal they rose and went to explore the grottoes,' Which bad been sealed by Tarjel before he had gone to kajeti, Full of Immeasurable wealth that had been concealed from all eyes. NOne now among them them could say. “We lack! and wish for more riches

1485. He gave away many, gifts, to each a gift that was fitting. Then be enriched Pridon's people, army and generals. Though he freely gave riches to all who were there, Yet' it still seemed that. The store of wealth was untouched and undiminished.

1486. Nqradin, what canI do in return for all you have done me' But it is said that the good a man does is never forgotten. Let all of the weaifh you find here concealed within these grottoes

1487. Nuradln humbly did homage, expressed his exceeding gratitude. “O King, do not think me stunned and amflzed by all these riches. For you every foe is as chaff though he be the thickest of cudgels. My joy will last as long as my marvelling eyes behold you,

1488. Pridon sent messengers back to his city to bring more camels, So as to take all the wealth of the Devis away to his castle. Then they all merrily set out once'again on the road to Arabia. Avtandil longed for the maid as the waning moon for the sun rays.

1489. After a happy journeY,they reached the bounds of Arabia, Where they beheld fair villages, fortified towns and castles. All the Inhabitants had clothed themselves in blue and green garments, For they were mourning their lord, the invincible, unparalleled Avtandil.

1490. Tariel sent a man to the presence of Rostevan, saying: Great and illUstrious King, I humble myself before you. I, who am King of the Indians, implore and ask for an audience. I bring before you, o King, the rosebud, unfaded and blooming.

1491. When we first met near the stream where you hunted, the sight of me vexed you. Why did your soldiers pursue me, why did you try to seize met I too was annoyed. 'and incensed with you and fell on your armies, And in m! wrath ,and passion I slaughtered your slaves and your soldiers.

1492. “Therefore I come from afar to entreat your royal forgiveness, Beg you to pardon, o King, the sin I committed against you. I bring Yyou no offerings as Pridon and all his warriors will tell you; The only gUn have brought is your son, the invincible Avtandil.

1493. Who can describe the joy that the king felt on hearing the tidings That Tarlel, the lion of lions, that invincible warrior had sent him' To TlnatIn's beautiful face the brightness of three rays were added. The shadow of eyebrows and lashes made the crystal and ruby the fairer.

1494. News of the coming of Avtandil spread throughout the Whole kingdom Now there resounded the beating of drums and the peals of gay laughter. Some of the soldiers led out the horses while others brought saddles; Swift-armed and stout-hearted warriors came out In myriads and mounted.

1495. The king and the princes mounted, the armies an marched behind them. People who heard of their coming came thronging from every direction. All raised their voices In prayers, praised and thanked God for His goodness. “Evil is short-lived, they said,”while virtue and good live for ever”

1496. When they saw in the distance King Rostevan and his entire army approaching, Avtandil said to Tariel with his voice overpowered by emotion: See the approach of the cloud of dust that has covered the valley; There is the fire which has burned and consumed my heart completely

1497. “There is my foster- father; as you see he is coming to meet you. I am ashamed. I cannot go further, for how can I face him' Truly no man has degraded himself as I have, my Tariell Pridon and you go first and meet his highness without me”

1498. Tariel said: You do well to show your respect to your lord. Therefore, you stay behind, stay here alone without me. I will go to the king and tell him you are here and hiding from him. I hope with God's help to unite you to that sun with the cypress formed.

1499. Avtandil stayed behind and ordered a tent to be pitched. Nestan, the dazzler of all who beheld her, also remained. Her raven-black eyelashes shed the most gentle of sweet breezes. Tariel and Pridon went forward to meet the king and his armies.

1500. It took a long time to cross the vast plain till they came to the sovereign Who perceived them from far and at once knew the cypress-formed Tariel. Rostevan quickly dismounted to welcome the bold-hearted lion. And as father to son he greeted the King of the Indians.

1501. Tariel also did homage. then he embraced and kissed hIm. Rostevan tenderly kissed the knight to give balm to his lips. And in a rapture of joy, he exalted and praised him, saying: “You are the sun; separation from you turns the daylight to darkness .

1502. Rostevan marvelled to see such astonishing grace and demeanour. He gazed with wonder upon him. praising the strength of his arms. Pridon then greeted the sovereign bending before him in rever But Rostevan's eyes were blind to all but to Tariel's beauty.