The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1330. Avtandil scratched his face as he anxiously gazed at Tariel. “What I have done no fool would have done, not even a madman. Why did I quench the fire by pouring water upon it? The heart that is suddenly struck has not the strength to endure it

1331. He scratched his face; blood Howed from his cheeks as t:e gazed at Tariel What I have done to him, neither madman nor fool would have done. Why in my haste did I pour water on unquenchable fire' The heart that is suddenly struck by exceeding joy cannot bear lb.

1332. Tariel lay with the spark of life smouldering within him. Avtandil went to find water but on seeing the slaughtered lion Quickly sprinkled Tariel's breast with the blood of that beast. The colourless rose now turned to 'the hue of a pale-hued ruby.

1333. Avtandil sprinkled on Tariel's breast more blood of the lion. Tariel heaved a deep sigh. The raven-black eyelashes qUivered. He opened his eyes and sat up. Though weak, he recovered his spirit. In the light of the sun the rays of the moon seem blue and diminished.

1334. Frost slays the rose in winter and the petals wither and perish. In summer the sun with its drought and ardour slays or consumes it. Yet does the nightingale chant to the rose and unburdens his soul. By heat that consumes and frosts that destroy are their wounds redoubled.

1335. Even so is it hard to deal with the heart of a human being, Ever embittered and maddened whether in joy or in sorrow. It never knows peace or contentment but is prey to endless afflictions. He is a foe to himself who confides and trusts in the world.

1336. Tariel gazed at the writing of her for whom he was dying. He read it again and again, though the reading increased his madness. The tears that he shed blinded his eyes to the rays of the daylight. AvtandU, troubled at Tariel's behaviour, rose and said calmly:

1337. “Tariel, my friend, such behaviour befits not a man who is prudent. Why should we sigh and shed tears when now we must smile and be happy. Rise, let usgo in quest of the maid whom the iKajis have captured. Come, I shall show you the way; you with your prowess will free her.

1338. Joy now befits us; therefore, let us rejoice and be merry. Come, let us mount and set out for the far-distant realm of the Kajis. Let our sharp swords be our gUides to sheath in the backs of these Kajis. We shall return in triumph, leaving their corpses behind us,.

1339. Tariel asked for more tidings; he no longer langUished or fainted. As he looked up the jet and the white glittered bright like lightning. And once again he shone like a ruby that bathes in the sunlight. Who is so worthy that the sky ever gazes upon him in mercy?

1340. Tariel conversed with Avtandil. thanked him heartily, saying I am not worthy to praise youl Only the wise should commend you. You, like a mountain spring have watered the flower of the valley. From the narcissus pool the stream of tears flow no longer.

1341. “No. I can never repay your service to me, my Avtandil. May God who dwells in Heaven above bless and requite youllt Thereat they mounted their steeds and galloped away rejOicing. Now will the fires that are scorching Asmat be extinguished also.

1342. As they neared the cavern they saw Asmat sitting and weeping. When she beheld the horsemen she started. Thinking them strangers. They were both singing so sweetly that her ears and soul, were enchanted. But when she knew them she rose, and hastily ran to meet them.

1343. Till now he had always returned from his wanderings dejected and weeping; Now to her utter surprise she beheld him merrily singing. Joy intermingled with fear now gripped tile mind of the maiden. A feverish giddiness rendered her weak and deprived her of senses

1344. They saw her and shouted loudly.. They laughed and their teeth shone brightly. “Asmat”they cried. “God's mercy has fallen upon us frorll Heaven. We have. at last, found the moon; our hearts' desire is fulfilled. Now our fires will be quenched and our dirges all turned to rejoicing”.

1345. Avtandil leaped from his horse and opened his arms to embrace her Who cast herself in his arms! pliant to her touch was the cypress. Thankful tears flowed down as she buried her face in his bosom. “What have you learned, what news have you brought Quick. Speak, I implore you.

1346. Avtandil gave to Asmat Nestan's letter to Tariel. “She who is now a pale moon, a cypress with withering branches. She who has passed through unspeakable troubles has written this letter. See as the sun approaches how the shadows of night steal away”.

1347. Asmat opened the letter and knew the hand of the maiden. She was so astonished it seemed lightning had struck her. And from her head to her toes a violent quivering seized her. “Can It be true?' she cried, “What marvel is this Am I dreaming'“

1348. “All I have told you is truel. Avtandil said to Asmat. “Joy is now ours once again for God has sustained and blessed us. Now that the sun is approaching there exists no darkness for us. Evil is vanquished by good for the essence of good is enduring”.

1349. Thus did the King of the Indians and Asmat talk together. Again they embraced one another; again their tears flowed profusely. Dew lightly dropped on the rose from the outspread wing of the raven. God forsakes not the man who endeavours his best and trusts Him.