The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1311. Thus did the sun-faced Avtandfl write to Pridon. his brother. Sealing the letter. he rose and gave It to Nuradin's servants. Told them to give their king an account of all their adventures. Lightning-like pearls appeared as the door of the coral was opened.

1312. Avtandil searched and soon found a ship to take him to Tariel. He with the luminous face prepared for his distant journey. But he was troubled to see Patman distressed at the parting— Those who were parted from him shed streams ofblood-mlngled tears.

1313. Patman, Usen, and all of the slaves bewailed his departure. “O sun. They bitterly wept, “why do you cast us in fire' Why do you darken our lives with the gloom of your absence, O lion' Bury us now with your hands. O slayer of hearts, we entreat you It.


1314. After a long and prosperous journey AvtandiI landed. And with an eager heart he rapidly rode towards the forest. He was impatient to tell his joyous tidings to Tariel' And with his hands uplifted he gave thanks unto Ood for His goodness.

1315. The time for their meeting had come; and the earth was clothed In green. Summer still lingered and the sweet-scented roses were in full bloom. The course of the sun was changed and the setting out of the cypress. Tears of joy fiUed his eyes as he gazed at the flowers around him.

1316. Thunder now rolled in the distance; douds rained dew on the roses Which. With his rose-like lips. Avtandil tenderly kissed. O flowers Delight fills my heart as my eyes gaze upon you,. He said, For in your sweetness I see the glow of her heavenly beauty

1317. When he remembered the woe-stricken Tariel, tears overwhelmed him. He took many perilous paths on his way to the cavern, And many a pathless region, unknown and deserted by mankind. He slew lions and tigers as he crossed the field and the forest.

1318. Soon from the distance he saw the hollowed-out caves in the mountain. The friend for whom I have suffered lives in that cavern,. He pondered. O with what joy will he listen to me as I tell him the tidings! But if. Alas. He is gone, my endeavours will have been in vain.

1319. He would not sit alone in the cavern, if he has come, But like a beast go roaming or hunting in field or in forest. Therefore perhaps it is better to look for him near the rushes -. Thus he talked with himself as he galloped towards the river.

1320. He galloped onward and sang with a joyous and happy beart. Now and again with a cheerful voic, he called out his name. And all at once he saw the glorious sun in its splendour. Tariel stood with a sword in his hand at the edge of the rushes.

1321. Tariel had slaughtered a lion, and the sword was still stained with its blood. He was standing alone right at the edge of the rushes. Hearing Avtandil's thundering voice he started and quivered, But when he saw and knew him he at once sprang forward to meet him.

1322. Flinging his sword aside he. hastily ran towards Avtandil Who leaped from his horse and with out-stretched hand advanced to meet him. Rushing forward they kissed and warmly embraced one another. Opening roses diffused their fragrant. Honey-sweet perfumes.

1323. They fondly clung to each other with deep and mutual affection. Tears of blood dyed the thickets of jet the colour of crimson. Fountains and myriad streams of tears now watered the cypress - Since you have come the woes I have passed are as nothing, dear brother”

1324. Tariel wept. But marvelled why Avtandil laughed and was joyful. He smiled. He opened his coral; the teeth of pearls flashed lightning. “The tidings I have to tell you will delight your heart.” Said Avtandil. “Now will the rose that has faded and drooped be restored, my Tariel.

1325. Tariel answered: “Suffice the gladness this day has brought me; That I behold you again is the only happiness left me. Well do you know there exists no other balm to console me. How can a mortal find joy if doomed by the will of Heaven'.

1326. AvtandiI inwardly groaned to see the lion despairing. So be resolved to tell the news without further delay. Thereat he drew forth the veil of her whose lips were like roses. Tariel, on seeing it. Started and. Trembling. Seized it.

1327. He knew at once her writing and the veil he had given to her. He stopped like a man struck. then pressed to his lips her letter. The rose became pallid in hue. the lashes drooped low and he fainted. Not even Caen and Salman could have borne the tortures he suffered.

1328. Avtandil gazed at Tariel who lay like a corpse before bim. Unavailing were all his endeavours to restore the youth to consciousness, For fires had completely burned and consumed that shedder of lustre. Woe I he lay deprived of his senses on account of those tokens of love.

1329. Avtandil. yielding to anguish, sat down and softly lamented. In his utter despair he tore his raven-black tresses. The exquisitely-chiselled and finely-cut ruby was broken to fragments. And from the crystal there flowed on the cypress coral-hued streams.