The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1523. He said:" O sun, can I praise you aright, you light of the world! Truly the learned grow mad when they cast their eyes upon you! Under what star were you born, you sun-like, moon-like maiden' Now that my eyes have seen you, they are blind to violets and roses!

1524. It was a marvellous sight to see her outspreading radiance; Like the bright sun at noon she blinded all eyes by her brightness. Though they were burnt, yet their hearts fouixl comfort and ease in gazing; Wherever she was. There at once came crowds thronging to see her.

1525. So they all mounted and merrily rode towards Rostevan's dty. The glow of the seven planets could not- be compared with her beauty. Her peerless beauty and grace was beyond all human conception. Soon they passed through the city and arrived at the royal palace.

1526. There they dismounted and entered. TInatin was there to receive them. The royal purple she wore, the sceptre, and crown became her So that the beams of her splendour irradiated the faces around her. That hero-like sun. the King of the Indians came in with his bride.

1527. They paid Queen Tinatin homage by bending humbly before her; Then they embraced and kissed her, lovingly spoke to each other. They were so bright-that the lustre they shed illumined the chamber. Crystal and ruby were turned into cheeks, and jet into lashes.

1528. Tinatin asked them to sit on the golden throne of honour. “The Judge of all Judges decreed you to sit on that throne, said Tariel. This is the happiest day you have seen, o illustrious sovereign. I shall now seat beside you, o sun. the lion of llons.

1529. Tariel took Tinatin's hand and set her upon the throne. Then by her side he seated the youth who for her had been burning. No sight, however fair, on this earth could surpass them in beauty. Their love was stronger by far than the love of Vis and Ramin.

1530. Tinatln blushed In confusion to see Avtandil beside her. She was now pale and her beating heart seemed to burst in her bosom. Rostevan said: “My child, why do you tremble before me? Even the sages declare that love in the end will triumph.

1531. “My children. may God bless you both. May He grant you a thousand years life. Happiness. Glory. Prosperity, and freedom from his and afflictions. May you be faithful and true to yourselves, to God and the kingdom. God grant that you scatter the earth on my grave with your hands when I die”.

1532. Then he commanded the armies to acknowledge Avtandil king. “This is your klng. He told them. “such is the will of Heaven. Let him sit on the throne; it is time for me to retire. Hear my command my soldiers: As you have served me, Serve him.

1533. The soldiers and nobles prostrated themselves before him in homage “Dispose of our lives', they said, “as you would with the black earth beneath you. Heaven exalts the loyal and likens the false to corpses. May our true hearts be strengthened while the arms of your enemies weaken!,

1534. Tariel also addressed the youth aod the maiden with praises. He said to her: “The fires. that scorched no longer consume you. Your husband is my sworn brother. I wish you to be my sister. I will destroy and bring to confusion those who oppose you!,


1535. Avtandil sat that day as lord and absolute sovereign; Tariel with countenance lit up in smiles also sat with him. Nestan the dazzler of all who beheld her sat with Tinatin. It was as if heaven bent down to earth, and four suns united.

1536. A sumptuous and magnificent banquet was spread to replenish the armies, Cows and sheep were slain more abundant than moss. Gifts were bestowed. lavishly showered on the soldiers. Sunlike and radiantly bright they sat pouring splendour around them.

1537. The goblets and bowls at the royal tables were of jacinth and ruby. The wondrously-coloured plates were all of exquisite workmanship. The minstrels sang with a sweetness deserving the praises of sages. If you had been there your heart would have said: “Remain here forever!,

1538. Sweet-voiced singers approached them as the cymbals clashed loudly. Heaps of rare gems. Cut rubies and gold lay about in heaps. Fountains of wine from a hundred sources flowed for the drinkers. Thus they all sat till morning merrily feasting and drinking.

1539. All had a share of the presepts, even the aged and crippled. Pearls were scattered in handfuls and satin and gold fell in showers. The guests were all loaded with rich and magnificent gifts without measure. For three days and nights the King of the Indians was groomsman to Avtandil.

1540. Yet on the morrow the King of the Arabs again entertained them. He said to Tariel: “It is pleasant to gaze on you and your sun. You are the king of all kings and Nestan the queen of queens. It befits us to be your slaves and to pierce our ears for earrings.

1541. Nor should we sit on thrones on a level with you, o sovereign. He placed on the royal throne Tariel and Nestan-Darejan; On two golden thrones below them sat the Queen of Arabia and Avtandll. Again they gave presents to Tariel which lay In a heap before him.