The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1406. They retraced their steps to the castle. And there they discovered their hero. The moon was freed from the Serpent and her lover, the Sun had found her. Tariel had lifted his helmet. Well his bare tresses became him. Closely they held one another in the rapturous clasp of reunion.

1407. Nestan and Tarlel embraced, they kissed and they shed tears. They were indeed like the planets Jupiter and Saturn united. When the sunrays fall on the rose they reflect the light and are fairer. Those who knew grief until now will henceforth rejoice and be happy

1408. They embraced with unceasing kisses, parting their lips for a moment. Only to join them again for kisses longer and deeper. Avtandil and Pridon stepped forward, respectfully greeting the sun-maid; Once again the three were united. The friends who were dearer than brothers.

1409. The sun-maid answered their greetings with countenance lovely and laughing. She, the proud one, embraced them. humbly acknowledged their service. Then they conversed for a while exchanging chivalrous phrases, Avtandil, Pridon and Tariel, and Nestan. The maiden they rescued.

1410. The three sun-like heroes eagerly questioned each other. None regretted the struggle. For their armour had served them truly. They had quit themselves like lions, giving no thought to the danger; They had driven the foe before them, like beasts pursued by the hunter.

1411. Only a hundred and sixty were left of their matchless warriors; Pridon wept for his troops, but joy was mingled with grieving. Now they sought out and slew the last of the foe left living. Precious the trophies they gained, no man could reckon their value.

1412. They loaded camels and mules with pearls and jacinths and rubies; Every jewel was cut by the hands of dexterous craftsmen; A lordly palanquin served to convey the beloved sun-maiden In all due comfort and ease on the journey that lay before them.

1413. Sixty soldiers they left to guard the remains of the castle, Whilst they set out on the road to the far-off Realm of the Seas, They guarded that precious sun and the hardiest dared not come near her— eWe must go to Patman), they said, do render the duty we owe hen.


1414. Tariel sent to the King of the Seas the following message: Tariel, the vanquisher of foes, their destroyer and slayer is coming And brings the bright sun, the piercer of hearts from the realm of the Kajis. He wishes to pay his respects to you as son to a parent.

1415. I have subdued the Kajis, seized aU their land and their riches. For all the good that is mine, I am grateful to you, your highness. I am also indebted to Patman who helped the sun when afflicted. What can I do in return for the good you and Patman have done me'

1416. Render us happy by coming to us before our departure. I wish to give you, my lord, the lands and the wealth of the Kajis. Hence let your soldiers come here and be posted as guards of the castle. I cannot delay much longer so make haste and appear before us.

1417. “On my behalf tell Usen, Patman's husband, to send her. The sight of that dame will delight and give joy to the sun-faced maiden. Whom else can Patman desire. To see more than her whose radiance. Even like crystal compared to black pitch is brighter than sun rays'

1418. The King of the Seas rejoiced to receive this message from Tariel. Such joyous tidings startle the heart yet fill it with rapture. First he gave thanks unto Goa, exalting the might of His Goodness. Then he mounted his horse with all haste. And set out on his journey.

1419. He took many horses along heavily laden with presents, Measureless gifts of beautiful things, rich fabrics and jewels. After a ten days' journey, he at length arrived in Kajeti. The thought of beholding the sun and the lion made him rejoice.

1420. When the three heroes beheld him they quickly dismounted their borses. And hastened forward to meet and welcome the King of tbe Seas. Warmly they greeted each other and praised the prowess of Tarlel. Rapture lit up the face of the King at the sun-mald's appearance.

1421. Slow fires consumed Patman when she saw the rays of the crystal. Pressing her close to her breast, she covered her face with kisses. She said: cO God, you have turned into light the darkness arourld me. Now do I see how short-lived and weak is the power of evill,

1422. Nestan embraced her and said in a gentle and love-Jadenvoice: God has enlightened and healed my darkened and grief'strlcken heart Which now rio longer is sad but is full and resplendent witb lustre. The rose freezes not when the sun sheds its life-giving rays upon it.

1423. The King of the Seas celebrated an exceedingly sumptuous wedding. He was indebted to'Tariel for the gift of the realm of the Kajis. He loaded the treasure and lavishly dispensed rich treasures to all. They walked on the scattered gold as if it were a bridge.

1424. There stood a mountain of silk, brocade and the richest of fabrics. No price could be set on the beautiful crown he bestowed on Tariel; It was made of one single jacinth which glittered brighter than sunbeams, There was likewise a throne of red and refined gold.