The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1503. Though he was dazzled, yet deep in his heart be felt sad lind dejected. Tariel perceived his sadness, and said: Illustrious monarch, Truly! Marvel how you can think me deserving your praises; , Since you have Avtandil, King, who else but he can delight you!'

1504. Do you not wonder, o lord, that he is not here before you' Let us sit down, your highness, on this pleasant, grass-covered meadow. ' I will explain and tell you the reason for Avtandil's absence. I have a favour to ask you; allow me to presume to ask it.

1505. The kings sat down; the armies and nobles stood round and watched them. A smile like the rays of a diamond passed over Tariel's countenance. Tariel's grace and behaviour maddened all who saw him. Then, with well-chosen words, Tariel said to Rostevan:

1506. Not for myself have I come. Nor Would I have dared to, great sovereign. But I have ventured to come to plead the cause of a brother. Now I beseech on behalf of the sun-like shedder of lustre, Of him who brought light to my life till now overshadowed by darkness.

1507. “Now we both come before you with fervent prayers and entreaties. Avtandil not only soothed but poured balm on my wound, and heated it. He, for my sake. Subdued his heart and forgot his own sorrow. I will not weary you, King, with a long and irksome story.

1508. "Avtandil, o king, and your sun-like daughter are in love with each other He is indeed to be pitied, exhausted and pale with weeping. On bended knee I implore you, extinguish the flames that consume them, Give your fair daughter as wife to the strong-armed and lion-hearted hero.

1509. "This is the only request I have, great monarch, said Tariel, Then he drew out his kerchief and tied it round his neck; Then he humbly prostrated himself at the feet of Rostevan. All who were there were greatly astonished to hear this story.

1510. But when the king saw Tareil humbly prostrated before him, He was dismayed and raising the youth, himself bent before him. “Why have you turned, he asked, “the joy you have brought me to ashes; Why do you bend before me, why do you humble yourself?

1511. “Has any man the power to refuse whatever you request? I would have even my daughter 'Cnslaved if you only desired it, And not ,a tear of regret would I shed if for you I destroyed her. There is none fairer or braver on earth or in heaven than Avtandil.

1512. Nor can I find a better husband for her than that lion. She is installed as absolute queen and ruler of Arabia, The rose blooms anew though the flower of my life is faded and withered. If he desires my sun-like daughter how can I refuse him'

1513. I would not grudge her to you though you gave her away in bondage. Only he, my son, who is mad, could ever be deaf to your wishes! If I loved not my Avtandil why did Iyearn and lament him? Thanks unto God who extended His mercy and goodness upon us!

1514. Tariel was glad in his heart on hearing the words of the monarch. He fell on his knees before him and reverently made his obeisance. Rostevan also did homage before lion-heart Tariel. Thus the two kings thanked each other with joyous smiles on their faces.

1515. Nuradin, herald of happy tidings galloped to Avtandil, For he rejoysed at the happyness lying in store for his brother. Taking the youth by his hand Nuradin led him to Rostevan, But so abashed was the knight that the light of his lustre seemed darkened.

1516. Avtandil quickly dismounted on seeng the monarch approach him. But he concealed his face in his hands. The sun was concealed by a cloud grew dark and rose was chilled. Nevertheless nothing could hide the radiant light of his beauty!

1517. The monarch, weeping no longer, sprang forward to kiss and embrace his knees. "Why be ashamed”, said Rostevan,”You have revealed true courage. You have been loyal to me so why be ashamed before me?” You have been loyal to me so why be ashamed of me?

1518. Sayng this, he raised him and, with moving tenderness, kissed him. He said again:”With the water of life you have quenched all my fires. She who has herded the jet in the realm of lashes is waiting. Tommorow I shall unite you, O lion, to the sun of the heavens”

1519. Rostevan seated Avtandil, thet peerless hero beside him, Gazed upon him in pride, spoke and fondly caressed him, Glad to exalt and pay honours to him who was worthy of praises. When suffering passes than joy is pleasant and happyness sweeter.

1520. Avtandil said to the king:” I finf but joy in your discourse, But I marvel you ask not to see the radiant sun-maid! Welcome her gaily and warmly; lead her with state to your palace; Let the bright sun shed about you the glorious rays of her radiance"

1521. Then together with Tariel they mounted and rode toward the maiden. The cheeks of the three mighty heroes shone with benignant lustre. They had fulfilled their desires, hadtriumphed and found all they sought. They had with upraised swords confused and shatteredthe enemy.

1522. The king dismounted and greeted the maiden whose dazzling brightness Flashed upon him like lightning blinding his wonder-struck eyes. Nestan -Darejan rose from her litter and greeted him warmly. He addressed and praised her in eulogies, almost berefit of his senses.