The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1562. Tariel mounted his horse, bid them farewell and departed. The soldiers wept loudly and said as their tears moistened the field: “The sun is now eager to greet you though It will darken before youl. “What are the tears of Salaman”he answered, “compared to my weeping"

1563. So they set out-the heroes, Tariel, Pridon and Avtandil Taking along a well-equipped, well-laden army of Warriors. Eighty thousand in number with eighty thousand horses. The three as obey journeyed were helpful, unremitting in care to each other.

1564. God can never create the like of such heroes again! The foe on seeing these three recoiled and dared not confront them. Only once at midday they stopped to rest by a stream in a meadow. They feasted. Quenching their thirst with wine. No with buttermilk.

1565. Tariel and Nestan were now absolute sovereigns of India, Seated on seven thrones of seven impregnable kingdoms. The joy they had now dispelled the tear-shrouded past with its sorrow. A man unacquainted with sorrow feels not the pleasure of happiness.

1566. See the two sitting together. Even the sun is not fairerl They proclaimed him king with a flourish of trumpets and drums. They swore him eternal allegiance and gave him the keys of the treasuries. As they acclaimed him their king, they shouted, “Long reign to our sovereign I”

1567. Then there were brought two golden thrones for Pridon and AvtandiI. All who were present stepped forward and bowed before them in reverence. Truly Qod had created no beings like them. . They told of their sorrows and related in detail all their adventures.

1568. There were no bounds to the revelry, the mirth and sumptuous banquets. They celebrated a wedding that no words will suffice to describe. To each of the four was given magnificent jewels and garments, Presents were lavishly showered upon the poor also.

1569. The Indians now pledged their service to the heroes Pridon and Avtandil. Nothing was heard but: “O sovereigns! We are beholden to youl” As to a master and king they prostrated themselves before them. With deey and submissive reverence, and pledges of love and devotion.

1570. Tariel now said to the malden, the sharer of all his afflictions. “What you have done for me no one would do for her offspring. I will make you queen over one seventh of the kingdom. As you have served me, Asmat. Thus devotedly serve your people.

1571. Marry whoever you wish, one worthy of you and the lordship». She said again to Tariel, O King, I implore you to hear me. Though you may give me the whole of the world. I cannot forsake you. No other light do I need than the light o sun, of your lustre».

1572. Thus did the three sworn brothers pass their days in enjoyment; Feasting and sporting and mirth and bestowal of valuable presents. Marvels of jewels, diamonds, pearls and excellent horses I But longing made Avtandil sad as he thought of his loved one, Tinatln.

1573. AvtandiI's sadness of spirit escaped not the eyes of Tariel. He said to him: “l know you are vexed in your heart against me. Woel Your longing for her has made eight grievous woes of your seven! Fate begrudges me joy, for you will depart and leave mell.

1574. Nurad!n also expressed his wish to return to his country. “Now I will go”he said, “but return once again very soon. And for the love between us command me as you would a servant. I shall be longing for you as the deer desires the stream”.

1575. “Go then”, said Tariel to Pridon, ego to your home and kingdom. But I entreat you, delay not long but return to me quickly”. He said to Avtandll: “Tell me what joy can I know without you? But as you hasten, then go, for the sun is awaiting the Iionlll

1576. Tariel gave Avtandil magnificent gifts to be taken to Rostevan, Rich robes and exquisite vessels filled to the brim with jewels. “Take them from me', said Tariel, “Go, but why do you tarry? , “How can I bear separation from you'lI said Avtandil sadly.

1577. Nestan sent to her sister a magnificent veil and a mantle. Who but the sun-maid Tinatin was worthy of such rich garmentsl' Also a gem so exquisite that all who beheld it marvelled. It shone like the sun at midnight, dazzling all with its brightness.

1578. Avtandii mounted his horse, bid Tariel farewell and departed. Both were now burning in flames of the blazing fire of parting. The Indians wept and the tears they shed overflooded the meadows. “Fate has distilled a poisonous beverage for me”said Avtandil.

1579. Pridon and Avtandil journeyed together for several days. Weeping they parted, each taking the road which led to his kingdom. They were returning home with their mission and wishes fulfilled. Thus, triumphant and happy Avtandil reached Arabia.

1580. He who embellished the realm was now met by you with honours. When he beheld his sun, the pains of longing vanished. The joy of the people was boundless when they saw the two suns together. God, the Most High from above, bad invested his crown with sovereignty.

1581. So the three sovereigns parted. yet they fulfilled their promises. And often left their. own homes and visited one another. Those who disputed their rule were at once put to the sword and humbled. Thus they enlarged their kingdoms and increased the might of their power.