The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1369. Soon they arrived at Nuradin's palace where they dismounted. Pridon, sworn brother to Avtandil seated himself beside him. Tariel was placed on a golden throne which was covered with a cloth of gold. They gave the armour to Pridon. a knight renowned as a hero

1370. “Here we have no other gifts for you., they said to Pridon, “But we have many lying in walt in a secret place.. Pridon laid his face to the ground and said to Tariel' This gift is a glorious one, worthy of you, my sovereign

1371. They were entertained in a lavish and sumptuous manner. Pridon gave them as gifts many magnificent garments, Garments as splendid and rich as befitted their rank and beauty, Also a basin of gold full of pearls and valuable jewels

1372. What I am going to say becomes not a hosb. said Pridon Think not your presence, my brothers, can ever annoy or fatigue me. But, as you know, a long and difficult road Is before us; And if the Kajis outstrip us then all our attempts may be fruitless

1373. “Why should we take many warriors? Better take few but the best. Three hundred men will suffice to seize and conquer the Kaj is. With our swords held high above us we shall fall on the Kajis and kill them. Then we shall find the maiden whose cypress like form will slay us.

1374. “Once long ago he said. I saw that awe-striking fortress Which is built of rock, fortified against the fiercest assailant. So of what use are our armies. If we cannot conceal their presence' The secret passage is the only way to enter the town.

1375. They were all pleased with his counsel and agreed to do as he told them. Pridon gave Asmat many rich presents before they departed. They took three hundred warriors to accompany them on their mission. God will at last give victory to all who have suffered till now

1376. So they embarked and with Pridon as guide crossed a vast ot:an . They knew no rest but travelled all day and all night without stopping. Pridon, who guided them, said: “We are now near Kajeti. hrothers. Now must we travel by night for the light of the day will reveal you”.

1377. Tariel and Avtandil listened and did all as Pridon advised them. When it was daylight they stopped and by night went speedily onward Till they saw before them the dark and impregnable fortress Which was surrounded by rocks and guarded by hosts beyond number.

1378. The moon was fair and bright as it poured its rays on the tower. More than ten thousand warriors kept guard at the gate of the passage. “Before we go forth let us counseb, the three lions said to each other A prudent action can enable a hundred to vanquish a thousand”.


1379. “Now listen patiently to what I shall tell you”said Pridon. “We are but few, you know, and the city is strong and impregnable. However we flatter ourselves can we overcome their number? We can find no way through that gate though we stand here for ever.

1380. I was taught in my childhood by many experienced tutors, And was instructed in all kinds of games and trained in gymnastics. I walked on a rope with such speed that no eyes could follow me. The boys of the place who saw me envied my skill and my prowess.

1381. “Which of you know how to tie a noose, and can cast a lasso? Then we could throw the end of the rope to the top of that tower. I shall climb and walk it as though I were crossing a grass-covered meadow. And like a storm's onslaught, I shall fall on the Kajis and slay theX?

1382. I shall go lightly across it though shield and armour are heavy; From there I shall nimbly leap down and burst on the Kajls like thunder; And like the wrath of God I shall slay all the soldiers within it. And when I open the gate rush in where the uproar is greatesb.


1383. “You are indeed a devoted friend and a hero”said Avtandil. You trust in the strength of your lion-like arms and prowess, my Pridon; It is true you wreak havoc amongst all who defy or attack you. But hear how their soldiers shout and the noise that comes from the garrison.

1384. “The garrison, being so near, will hear the clang of your armour; Be assured they will cut down the rope the very moment they see you. Then our hopes will be doomed, and all our endeavours frustrated. Better to think of some other way to enter the tower.

1385. “Now to my mind it is better for you to remain in ambush. They will not seize on a traveller coming from far to this city. Hence I will take off my armour and attiremyseli as a merchant, But I will hide on a mule my helmet, sword and my armour.

1386. We should not go in together for then they will surely detect us. I shall enter the city clad in the dress of a merchant. There I shall secretly don my helmet and suit of armour. God grant I slaughter the foe and make their blood flow like water!