The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1292. “Without you the sun has no lustre, for you are bound up in its radiance. Your place is within its orbit, and not as an alien body. There I will seek till I find you, and bask in the rays of your presence. My life has been all tribulation; may not my death be the sweeter?

1293. “Deat h holds no terrors to frighten me since to you I yield up my spirit. Your love in my bosom is hidden, and there will it repose for ever. Only to think of our parting is a fresh wound added to old wounds. But I would not have you lament me, or suffer because you have loved me.

1294. “Go to the land of the Indies; be as a son to my father. He is alone and defenceless, his enemies press him sorely. He is parted from me, his daughter -share his woes and console him! Think of me ever weeping, for the sake of the love that I bear you.

1295. “Whatever complaint I have made against fate is sufficient complaint. True and righteous justice goes from heart to heart. I will become the prey of ravens, I will die for your sakel But as long as I live I shall weep and suffer enough for us both.

1296. Receive with this letter a token -a strip from the veiJ that you sent me. The fragile tissue is all that is left of the hopes we once cherished; Let It be a reminder that we were not ever apart, The wheel of the seven heavens has turned upon us in wrath

1297. When she had finished her letter, Nestan cut the fringe From an end of her lover's mantle, and placed it between the pages. Now, with her head uncovered. Her beauty shone the brighter, And the scented breeze from the cypress blew through her raven tresses.

1298. The slave departed at once with the letter to Gulansharo, And in little more than a moment, he was standing before his lady. Avtandil seeing the slave return with Nestan's letter Raised up his hands to heaven and prayed: “O God! I thank You!.

1299. Avtandil said to Patman: cAt last my wish is fulfilled. I can never repay all you have done for me. I have no time to remain but must go, for the year has ended. I shall lead that knight to Kajeti. He will annihilate them

1300. “The fires blaze forth», she said, and blaze the fiercer, o lion. Far from your light, o sun, my heart will be shrouded by darkness. Grieve not for me but hasten at once lest the mad become madder, For if the Kajls arrive before you the fight will be fiercer.

1301. Avtandil summoned Nuradin's slaves who had faithfully served him. “We who were corpses but now are restored to life”he told them. “Joyous tidings have come and our hearts are filled with great gladness. Soon I shall show you, my friends, our foes grief-stricken and humbled.

1302. Go now to Pridon, your master, and tell him this unvarnished story. Say I have gone to fulfil the sacred mission before me. When you arrive let your thundering voices thunder the tidings. Take for yourselves these treasures which I tore from the murderous pirates.

1303. “Great is the debt laid upon me by you, my faithful attendants, And for the time I wish you to take these treasures as presents, But I will show my gratitude when we meet again at Pridons. Though I may seem niggardly yet, I entreat you, take it.

1304. “So far from my home I am powerless to give you more worthy presents. Then he bestowed upon them a ship full of valuable treasures. “Go”he told them, “take all this wealth and return to your country. Give this letter to Pridon with my love and brotherly greetings,.


1305. Avtandil wrote to Pridon: “O illustrious, all-powerful sovereignl You are a sun shedding rays, a lion of lions in courage, Mighty and feared by the foe, an invincible monarch of monarchs. Pridon. I send from afar my love and brotherly greetings.

1306. “Heaven has given me good for the troubles and evils I suffered. God has sustained and helped me attain all I wanted and longed for. For I have learned that the Kajis have captured the sun-faced maiden. The lion will revive though a mountain of earth lies upon him.

1307. She is held captive by Gulardukht, sovereign queen of the Kajis. Though the fierce Kajis are gone yet countless hosts guard the maiden. A crystal shower falls from the narcissus pool. There I will joyfully go though a furious strife is before me.

1308. “Since I rejoice my tears will no longer flow down in channels. The fiercest of foes will be broken where you and your brother appear. All we determine and wish will surely be done and fulfilled. None can withstand you in battle, a rock will crumble before you.

1309. “You will forgive me. I hope. for not coming to you, my brother. I have no leisure to stay for the radiant moon Is in peril. But soon we shall come together and then. we shall all be happy, For we will conquer the foe thus fulfilling our pledges of friendship.

1310. “How can I ever reward your slaves for the service they did me' They bore my sorrows with me, faithfully shared my afflictions. Praise is not needed to him who is ruled by you and your wisdom. Every like gives birth to its like -this is the saying of sages: —