The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1255. “Bring me the sorcerer slave. I will send him at once to K ajeti. He will make known to the maiden tidings of us and our doings. She will tell us the truth and the means by which we can help her. God grant us power and strength to vanquish the violent Kajis”.

1256. Glory to Godl, said Patman, “what wonderful things you tell me, What has befallen you are tidings equal to immortality”. Patman commanded a servant to bring before them the sorcerer Who, when he came, was ordered to go to the realm of the Kajis.

1257. Prove to us”, Avtandil said, “your skill in magic and witchcraft. Quickly quench the fires that have made of my heart a furnace. Tell her not-to despair for we have the cure to her illness'. “Tomorrow, the sorcerer answered, “I shall bring news of that maiden,.


1258. Patman wrote: “O heavenly star, sun of the world. You are consumer and slayer of all who are far from your presence. You are eloquent in words, fair-tongued, lovely and elegant, Exquisite crystal and ruby welded and blended in one.

1259. “Though you were silent and said not a word of your sorrow and troubles. Yet I was told all about you, of your grief and all that befell you. Comfort his heart with tidings, for he roams the forests a madman. God grant you your wishes, o sun, may the rose meet the sweet-scented violet!

1260. “Tariel has a sworn brother who has roamed the Whole world to find you. He is an Arab knight, renowned for his wisdom and valour, Commander-in-Chief of the armies of Rostevan, King of Arabia. Write news of yourself, o proud one, we long for tidings about you.

1261. “We have sent this slave to bring us tidings of you, o maiden. Write if the Kajls gone with the queen have returned from their journey. Tell us the number of warriors left to defend the city. Who are your guards' How many are they, and who is their leader?

1262. “Write to us all you know about the tower and the city. Give the black slave some token to give to your desperate lover. May the woes you have suffered, o sun, be changed to gladnessl May it please God I unite two lovers so befitting each other!:.

1263. She gave the letter for Nestan to her slave, the cunning magician. “Take this at once:., she ordered, do Nestan, the sur.-Iike maiden”. The wizard threw over his shoulders a long, green magic mantle, And by its magic he vanished and flew over roofs and mountains,

1264. Flew with the speed of an arrow to the realm of the formidable Kajis When he arrived in the city the shadows of evening were falling. Unseen, he passed the soldiers who were guarding the gates of the tower, Bringing desirable greetings and news to the sun-faced maiden.

1265. So by his magic the black-faced, long-haired and mantle-wrapped sorcerer Entered the tower by passing the gates as if they were open. The sun gave a start on seeing a stranger standing before her. The rose of the maiden had turned yellow and the violets drooped pale and languid.

1266. “Fear nob. he told her calmly, “What makes you faint and tremble' I am the slave of Patman, sent to you with a message. Be not alarmed but trust me; but first read this letter, my lady. Fade not, o rose, but wait for the rays of the rising sun”,

1267. The sun-faced maiden marvelled at Patman's wonderful message. Joy split the almonds and radiance flashed under jet-black lashes. She eagerly opened the letter which Patman Rhatun had sent her. She sighs, she reads the letter; hot tears fall on it in showers.

1268. “Tell me”, she asked the slave, “who is he that seeks me' Or who treading the earth knows I am aliveb d will tell you”, the slave replied, “everything I know.. Since the day you left us our sun has set and is darkened.

1269. “The heart of my ladY, Patman Rhatun has been pierced by lances. The fountains of tears she has shed have united and blended with oceans. Once by some fortunate chance I brought her some tidings of you. God is my witness that her eyes have not dried ever since.

1270. “Once there came to our kingdom a peerless, well-favoured swordsman. Patman told him your story and all that had happened to you. He who has leonine arms and is matchless in strength is your seeker. They sent me to you with this letter and told me not to delay.

1271. The tidings you brh:g me”, she said, “have filled my heart with gladness. How could Patman know by whom I was carried away' He for whom I am burning is somewhere longing for me. I will write to her; but you also tell her of me .


1272. “You are far dearen, she wrote, “than a mother to me! See how the world that keeps me in thrall finds delight in my suffering, And the grim pleasure it takes in redoubling the weight of my sorrow. But you have kindled, my Patman, new hope in my grief-stricken heart.