The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1215. “'O horsemen, who are you", it said,”who wander at night like marauders' I am a messenger going alone to Kajeti, so leave mel' Awed, we approached the light and formed a circle around it, And to our wonder we saw a sun-faced rider before us.

1216. “'We gazed at the brilliant face flashing lightning around. And like the sun It scattered glistening beams about it. Now a deep silence ensued as we neared that eye-blinding radiance. The dazzling rays of her teeth illumined the jet of her lashes.

1217. “'Then once again we addressed her in gentle and eloquent phrases. She was no slave nor messenger. She had, we perceived, deceived us. Roshak was the first to discover that she was not a man but a maiden. He at once seized the reins from her hands and rode by her side as escort.

1218. Tell us your story', we said, 'Who are you, enlightener of darkness' Where have you come from. Where is your home, who are your people ' But she was silent and wept, shedding hot tears in streams. The full moon, indeed, must be pitied when eclipsed and devoured by the serpent.

1219. Neither entreaties nor force could Induce her to tell us her story. Nor did she tell us from where she had come or who had deceived her. With eye brows knitted together she rode in sullen silence. Her eyes like those of an asp's attacked and beWitched the onlooker.

1220. “'Roshak 'commanded: 'Silence! Now is no time for questions! Her story, no doubt. is strange and one. not easily told. Truly the lot of our, sovereign is one to be envied by mortals, God has given her that which surpasses all wonders.

1221. “'God has delivered this maiden as a gift for the sovereign Who, for this wonderful gift. Will load us with favours and riches. If we hide her we wilf be found out. Then our sovereign will kill us, First for offending her pride and then for the shame it will bring us,"

1222. “'We did as Roshak commanded. And at once broke off the discussion. Leading the maiden before us we made our way to Kajeti. We annoyed her no longer but were silent the rest of the journey.' All the long way she wept bathing her cheeks with her tears.

1223. 'I said to Roshak: 'My lord, allow me to Jeave for a while. I have some business to settle in the city of Gulansharo'. He granted me leave to come. ' I have wealth stored up In this city. First I will carry it home and then rejoin my comrades.'

1224. “The men were surprised and pleased with the story the slave had told them. My rivulet of tears dried up as I listened. She who inspired me with life was, no doubt. that sun-faced maiden. I felt revived once again and hope fell like balm on my spirit.

1225. “At once I laid hold of that slave and seated him close before me. "Give me,' I said. 'a detailed account of what you were saying'. Again he narrated in detail the story he had told his comrades. I, whose poor soul had been struggling with death, was again brought to life.

1226. Two of my negro slaves were skilled in the art of sorcery. They, by its virtue. Could wander unseen to the eyes of all mortals. I called them to me and sent them at once to the land of the Kajis. 'Do not delay', I said, 'bring me tidings of her".

1227. “They went at once. They returned In three days with the tidings: The monarch to whom she was given was about to leave on her journey, But she betrothed her to Rosan. The prince and heir of the country. As on the sun, no eyes can gaze on the light of that maiden.

1228. “The monarch's imperial order was to marry the maiden to Rosan. 'Now', she announced to us, 'we have no time for festivities. Let us delay the wedding until my return from my sister", The maiden is shut in a tower with only one slave to attend her.

1229. 'Those who were skilled in enchantments and sorcery went with the sovereign. For on the way lurk danger and many a foe lies in ambush. But she has left as guards of the tower the best of her warriors. She will be away for some time to mourn the death of her sister.

1230. The fort of the Kajis has never as yet been assailed or invaded, For around it there rises a lofty wall of impregnable rock. A narrow. hollowed out passage is used to climb up to the fortress. There is that star held captive. The consumer of all who behold her.

1231. “'Giant-like guards keep continual watch at the mouth of the passage, More than ten thousand heroes, arrogant, proud and courageous. Three thousand warriors stand at each of the three city gates'“. O, heart, the world has condemned you; I know not, alas , what binds you.

1232. Though he rejoiced in his heart and was glad to hear these tidings, Yet the sun-faced Avtandil hid his feelings from her, But in the depth of his heart, he thanked the Lord for His goodness. He prayed: d thank you, my God, for the joy You have given to meb

1233. You are worthy”, he said, do be loved by me and admired. You have enlightened my heart by the welcome news you give me. But I would like you to tell me more of the realm of the Kajis. Kajis, I thought, were flesh less. How can they be like mortals"

1234. Patman pity that maiden and all the anguish she suffers. Yet Jmarvel to think what the Kajis if flesh less can do with a womanl” “Listen to me”, said Patman. eYou seem to know nothing about them. They are not Kajis but men who put their trust in enchantments.