The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

886. “How can I liken this trifle to her whose like has no rival' She is my life, my soul, the source of my joy and my sorrow, Dearer is she than the world, better than earth or the heavens. But to listen to unpleasant talk is as bitter and sour as vinegar”.

887. “Tarieb, Avtandil said, d knew in my heart you would say this. Now I shall tell you the truth, speak freely to you and sincerely. Would not the loss or Asmat be worse than the loss of the armlet' Truly, I cannot commend you preferring the gem to the maiden .

888. The armlet you wear is of gold, molten and wrought by the goldsmith. It is ageless and lifeless, inanimate, speechless and senseless. How can I justify you in preferring this thing to the maiden' First she was cherished by Nestan, then by you as a sister.

889. “She formed the bond between you, contrived your meeting in secret; Then she was favoured by you as a friend and dearest of sisters. It was she who has followed your steps to share your afflictions. Why have you left her alone. Is this true justice, I ask you?

890. Tariel replied: “What you say is only too true, my Avtandil. Pitiable is he who thinks of Nestan and sees but my weeping. All I desired was to die, but you have come to save me in time. Since I still live, my friend, come, let us go to that maiden).

891. Straightway they mounted their horses and quickly set out-for the forest. Words are too weak to describe the princely mien of these heroes! Their teeth were bdght pearls and their lips, fragrant and full-grown roses. Even a serpent is lured from its lair by the sweetness cif discourse

892. Avtandil said: “For your sake I will sacrifice heart and my life, But I implore you not to reopen the wounds that afflict you. Empty and vain is all learning if one does not heed to wisdom. What use is the wealth you possess if you keep it concealed in coffers'

893. “Why all this endless lamenting? What good wiII your sorrowing do you? No man can avoid his fate. He dies when Heaven decrees it. A rose does not fade in three days when awaiting the coming of sunrays. Victory, endeavour and luck wiII be yours if God desires ib.

894. “Your counsel and teaching are worth all the world to me”, said Tariel, “The intelligent love the instructor, but it pierces the heart of the senseless. Teach me, then, what shall I do, how can I endure my anguish? Truly I marvel that you who are also a lover condemn me.

895. “Wax is akin to fire, hence it can burn and be lighted; But it is quenched and hardens the moment it faUs into water. Therefore two hearts are united as one by a common affliction. Could you but know the reason my heart is melting within me!


896. “Now I shall give you a faithful account of all that befell me. Then will your wise and impartial heart pass judgment upon me. I waited for you to arrive but soon was impatient and restless. So I resolved to wander for, life in the cave grew irksome.

897. “Thus I came to that hill after passing the reeds in the forest. There I beheld a lion slowly approaching a panther. How rrejoiced to see them. They seemed to me to be lovers. But what they did to each other not only surprised but dismayed me.

898. “First they playfully sported, then they engaged in a struggle; Fiercely they struck with their paws beating and tearing each other. As does a woman the panther lost heart and turned from the battle. But the impassioned lion with a spring assaulted and felled her.

899. “Displeased at the lion, I thought. 'You are out of your wits. Shame on your behaviour. Why assault your beloved?' Then I unsheathed my sword, rushed forward and struck at him fiercely. Thrust the blade right through his heart. Freed him from all earthly troubles

900. "Throwing my sword on the ground with my hands I caught up the panther And for her sake for whom I am burning, I strove to caress her. But with its blood-shedding paws it fiercely attacked and smote me. Violent fury now seized me and enraged in my heart I slew it.

901. In vain I had sought to appease the rage of the impassioned panther. Who as fury possessed me I dashed to the ground and slaughtered. Then I recalled my beloved as once she had crouched like a panther. Yet I live as you see, Why do 'my tears surprise you

902. “Now you know all, my brother, the bitter woes I have suffered. That I am still amongst the living, that I can speak is a wonderl Though I am supdered from life yet even death avoids me”. Thus he ended his story and giving a groan, wept loudly .

903. Avtandil also shed tears and they wept and lamented together. “Be patienb, he said, “die not. Tear not your heart to pieces. Though you are burdened with grief, God will have mercy upon you. Why did the Lord unite you with her if His will was to part you”

904. Love is pursued by mischance, making life bitter and painful, Joy in the end will be his who endures love's anguish with patience. Hearts overburdened with love feel the languor of death overcome them. Love teaches wisdom to fools and makes fools or madmen of sages”