The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

924. live wherever you wish. Do not stay in this cavern. Live as you wish. Live wisely, if not be reckless or maddened. Pity that beauty of form. That gracious and lofty demeanour, Strengthen yourself and live. Let not your fever consume you.

925. “Now let us part. I shalI surely be back at the end of the year And hope to bring tidings of her from every quarter and country. I shall return when the fields are spread with blossoming roses, In the warm summer month when the Dogstar shines bright and clear in the heavens.

926. If at the end of that time. I have not returned, my Tariel. Then you will know I am dead and no longer among the living. And as a token of this pour forth your tears and mourn. Then. If yeu will. Rejoice. If not redouble your sorrow

927. Be not distressed nor pained for the sake of what I have told you. This you must know. My Tariel, I cannot be dumb like an animal. Who can predestine whether the horse or the vessel betray me. God only knows my fate as the wheel of fortune whirls round UD.

928. Tariel said: "My friend. I will weary you not with my discourse. It will be fruitless. I see, to try with more words to dissuade you. If a friend will not listen to you, then you should follow his counsel". And in the end shall be brought to light all that was hidden.

929. When you know more about me then will you feel my grief. Whether I roam or not, it is the same thing to me. However my madness tortures me, I promise to do what you told me. But if I die in your absence, alas. What shall I do'!'.

930. Thus they ended their discourse and sealed their promise with pledges. Then they remounted their horses. rode to the plain and hunted. After slaughtering game they returned to the cavern, dejected. For the thought of the morrow's departure redoubled their tears and their sorrow

931. Weep together with me, you whose eyes scan these verses. What can a heart do but weep when deprived. Alas, of its loved one1 Absence is death to those whose hearts beat as one In friendship. He who knows not a friend feels not the anguish of parting.

932. When it was dawn they mounted. Bid farewell to the weeping maiden. Tears flowed profusely as Avtandil, Asmat and Tariel wept loudly. Cheeks caught fire and grewi crimson as they tore their faces in anguish. Grief almost maddened these lions as they rode away towards forest

933. Weeping they set out together leaving the maiden behind them. Asmat lamented: “O lions! Whose tongue has the power to mourn you'? Luminous stars of the heavens, the sun has consumed and scorched you! Alas for my woes so great! Alas for the woes of life!

934. Leav ing the cavern the heroes travelled that day together, Till they arrived at the seashore where they dismounted and rested. Here they remained till morning uniting each other's sorrow, Passed the whole night together, for the thought of parting was painful.

935. Avtandil said to Tariel: “The channels of tears are exhausted. Why did you part from Pridon who promised and vowed to befriend you Teach me the way to his kingdom. tell me where I can find him; There I may learn of tidings regarding that sun-like maiden”

936. Tariel told him in detail the way to Nuradin's kingdom. Somewhat revived, he gave an eloquent tum to his discourse. “Go towards the easb, he said, ctravel along the seacoast; And if you see him tell him all that befell his brothen

937. Then they went forth, killed a goat and roasted it over a fire Under a tree by the sea they ate to appease their hunger. When it grew dark they slept under the tree together. Treacherous fate, I curse you l Curse your insidious smiles

938. Early next morning they rose and fondly embraced each other. The things they said would have melted the hearts of all who heard them. As springs that water the meadows their tears flowed downwards in channels. Breast was welded to breast that it seemed no power could dissever them.

939. Tearing their hair and faces with heart-rending weeping they parted. They rode away through the rushes taking different directions. Watching each other they shouted fill each!'disappeared in the distllnce. Even the sun would have frowned to behold the frown on their faces.


940. Alas, o world, what ails you? Why this perpetual whirl? All who have trusted in you are In tears like me and heart-sick. Though you uprooted our joy and made us, o world, to suffer. Yet God forsakes n'Ot the man you have cast from you and abandoned

941. Avtandil bitterly wept, his voice resounded in heaven. He said: “The stream of my tears commingled with blood flows anew. The search was an endless anguish but the parting is even more grievous. Men are not equal but vary, for each has his thoughts and his wishe”

942. The beasts came out of the forests. to gaze on the swordsman weeping. His heart burned with ravaging fire; he could not extinguish the furnace. The fires blazed higher and fiercer as he thought of her whom he worshipped. Coral caught rays from the crystal that flashed in resplendent brightness.