The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

847. My lord and upbringer, Rosievan, is a mighty and powerful monarch; Merciful, gracious and kind, he snowed upon me his bounty. I, whom he loved as a son have played him false and deceived him. I am guilty before him and Heaven will surely avenge it.

848. Ali this afflicts me, my sister, yet for his sake I endure it. Day and night have I travelled to fulfil the promise I gave him. Now he has gone and left me to bum alone in my fires. Wearied in vain I must sit and weep out my heart in longing

849. Asmat, the hour and time give me no leisure for discourse. No, I regret not the past. But will do as the sages have taught me. I shall indeed be a foe to myself if I seek not that'swordsman. But if I am doomed by fate. Can I hope to find succour in God?,

850. Thus spoke the youth and. sighing. he turned and. weeping. departed. Passing the rocks and the stream he came to a plain where he halted. Here the cold wind that blew from the mountain froze the fair rose. Avtandil wept: O fate, why do you ceaselessly plague me'!

851. O God, the All-seeing'. He prayed. Mow have I sinned against you? Why have you lured me away from myhome and decreed me this sorrow I am repining for two; truly my plight is distressing. Though I may die I complain not; let my blood be on me. O Heaven

852. When he threw roses upon me my heart was sorely wounded. For he has broken the vow which I deemed eternally binding. On none save that youth can my eyes gaze in joy and in friendship. No other friend can I love. None as I love that swordsman.

853. Why should a man of reason be eternally weeping and sighing' How can his sighs and lamenting quell or assuage his sorrow'! Better to plan and ponder than stifle one's heart by groaning. Now as for me, it is better to seek that cypress-formed swordsman .

854. Avtandil set out again. shedding hot tears as he journeyed. Day followed night. Yet he stopped not. Crying aloud and calling. Three days he roamed the fields, the forest and mountain and valley. But he found not a trace of the youth for whom he was searching.

855. O God in Heaven”he wept. “how have I sinned so greatly'! How have I vexed or displeased you' Why bring this fate against me First hear me, o God. Then judge me; restrain your resentment, I beg You; Turn all my woes to joy by shortening my days, I entreat You”.


856. Once he came to a hill exhausted and haggard from weeping. The hill overlooked a plain which lay in sunrays and shadows. There on the edge of the rushes he beheld a raven-black courser . That is his horsa, he thought, dor no other horse can be like ib.

857. When he beheld it his heart leapt for joy and was lightened. The grief that gnawed at his heart was changed to a thousandfold gladness. The jet of his jet and the glow of his crystal burst into radiance. Then. With a beating heart, he dashed down the hill like a whirlwind.

858. When he approached the swordsman he saw to his grief and surprise Tariel, pallid and haggard, sitting like one who is lifeless. His clothes were blood-stained and torn; his head was bleeding profusely. Ifeless he seemed as he sat there, unconscious of Avtandil's presence.

859. Near him there lay on the ground the corpse of a slaughtered lion. Tears in unceasing streams flowed from his eyes as from fountains. And by his side his sword. Blood-smeared to the hilt and broken. His woe-stricken heart was writhing as it burned amongst ravaging fires.

860. Oblivious to all around him, he sat staring before him. Darkness had spread over his eyes and the gloom of death was upon him. Avtandil called him by name, tried to arouse him by shouting. Swiftly he leaped from his horse and used all endeavours to stir him.

861. Gently he wiped from his eyes the tears that were flowing profusely. Again he called him by name, again he strove to arouse him. Tariel, he cried, “do you hear me? I have come as I promised, dear brother. But he heard not a word and sat staring like one who is senseless.

862. All I have told you is tme; now hear the rest and marvel. Tariel by now had recovered and at once knew his brother, Avtandil Whom he embraced and kissed as fondly as one would a brother. Truly, by Heaven, his like has never been born of mortal.

863. “Brothen, he said to Avtandil, dhink not I tried to deceive you. You find me alive and waiting-thus have I kept my promise. Therefore now leave me alone, leave me to mourn my sorrow. Grant me one favour, my brother, leave not my corpse unburied

864. Avtandi.l said: “What ails you Why think of evil, my brother? Who has not ever known love, who has not burned in love's fires? Yet who has done as you have among the race of men? Why do you kill yourself'? Why are you seized by Satan

865. If you are wise forget not the wisdom taught by the sages: Firmness of mind and spirit sinks not beneath afflictions But like a rock stands firm amidst all misfortunes and troubles. Many through lack of fortitude sink down in a sea of disaster .