The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

771. Let not your prowess be baffled but drive the foe from the marches. Slay and strike down the traitor, enrich and be good to the loyal. If I return, my Shermadin, I shall pay you well for your service. Fealty and love to one's master will never be lost but rewarded.

772. Shermadin, deeply affected, bitterly wept as he listened. He said: I will never succumb to the sorrows of utter loneliness! But darkness will fall on my heart. How shall I Jive without you? Why should you go by yourself? Take me along to serve you

773. Why should you go alone. My lord, on a journey so distant? Why should a knight be kept back from rendering aid to his master' Can I be of any avail thinking you lost or in perm, I cannot take you, Shermadin. I must be alone!”, said Avtandil

774. I well know that you love me, the wish in your beart to serve me, You see how fate is against me; I am destined to suffer alonel Who else save you can I trust the weal of my home and kingdom? Calm and repress your feelings. I must go forth without you.

775. “Since a true lover is destined to suffer alone, I leave you, Leave you to roam like a madman weeping my heart out in anguish. Lovers must boldly go forth and seek brave quests for their loved ones. Such is the way of the world. Hence. Remain at home and replace me.

776. cWhen I am gone, my brother, remember and love me as always. Fear not for me for such is my prowess that no foe can resist me. He is indeed a hero who sits not moping and sighing. He is hateful and accursed who shrinks not from deeds that are shameful.

777. “I am not one who waits till cucumbers grow to be rotten, But for a friend I am ready to yield up my life with pleasure. She grants me leave to depart; I cannot remain any longer. If I can endure her absence can leaving my home distress me?

778. Now I shall give you a testament to take .to the king, my Shermadin. You will be loved and cared by the king as befits my vassal. Slay not yourself if I die; yield not your soul to the devil. Fill up your eyes with tears, lament and pray for my soub.


779. Avtandil then sat down to write the testament of his wishes. "O King", he wrote, "I have left you to wander in search of the lost one. must find him or perish from the flames he has lit in my bosom. Forgive me, O King, as a father who pardons his penitent children.

780. “You will not blame me for ever. you will perceive my dilemma. Sages of old have taught us to honour the claims of friendship: Permit me, o King, to :recall to your mind the teaching of Plato: 'Falseness and double-dealing are destroyers of body and soul'.

781. “Since the sin of deception is the source of our sorrows and troubles. What shall avail me the lessons instilled by the wise in all ages. Philosophy's golden treasure. Making us one with the angels. If I abandon the friend who is dearer to me than a brother?

782. The apostles have written of love. Accounting it first of all virtues. 'It is love that exalts our souls,' this the refrain of their singing. None knows this better than you, and if you should fail in discernment. How can I hope to enlighten the ignorant man and the mocker

783. God has acknowledged His creature. My foes He has helped me to conquer. He, the unseen and almighty. Who has not forsaken His children. He. The immortal Creator, directing the earth In its orbit. To Him is a hundred as one, and one Is to him as a hundred.

784. “What the Almighty decrees not. No mortal can force into being. The rose and the violet must wither, deprIved of the life-gIving sunlight. Beauty was sent among mortals for the eye to dIscern and rejoice in. How can I live in his absence? How can I savour life's pleasure'

785. Have no wrath for your servant. For failing to do your commandment. I was enthralled. I was helpless. My sole cure lay in departure. Nothing else could heal my distemper. Extinguish the flames in my bosom. I care not what may befall me. I cleave to my freedom only.

786. “Sadness and weeping avail not, vain is our bitter repining. Destiny Is not evaded, no man can cheat the Almighty. We are born to sorrow and struggle, anguish is every man's portion. Therefore bewail no longer the Creator's immutable rulings.

787. “The fate the Almighty bequeaths me I receive with unmurmuring submission, I shall return as the phoenix springs from its funeral ashes. May I find you rejoicing. Ever more rich and majestic.For me. To have served my friend is the sole reward I desire.

788. You have heard my decision, o Rulerl Slay me. If such is your pleasurel I know my departure offends you, I grieve to incur your displeasure. But I was not bred for a coward. I cannot be false to a brother. He would look in my face and shame me. When we meet in the great Hereafter.

789. Has ever a man been Injured for keeping his faith with his brother? What is more vile than a traitor, who pledges his word and forswears it? I cannot be false to my friend, no. not for the mightiest monarchl I cannot be tardy and grudging. Once I have given my promise.