The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

962. AvtandiI said: d marvel that you are ravished by mel How can a withering rose frozen by winter delight you' Had you but seen me before I became the wreck now before you! Those who beheld me then witnessed the dawn of my beauty.

963. When they departed, Avtandil set out at once on his journey. His heart was steeled in a furnace, his form was a cypress in Eden. He strove to compose his emotions as he put his horse to a canter. The narcissus poured fountains of tears over the crystal and enamel.

964. Whoever he met on his way stopped to gaze and admire him. Enraptered they followed his footsteps; they scarce could endure the parting. All whom he met were enslaved by his charms and eager to serve him; Zealous were they in their aid, pledging themselves to his service.

965. After a ten days' journey he arrived in Mulghazanzar. Where on a spacious plain hemmed in on all sides by soldiers. He set eyes on an army of warriors enjoying good sport and hunting; The air was rent with their shouts as they slaughtered the beasts in myriads.

966. Wishing to know who they were he inquired of a man he encountered: “Whose is this sound of trampling, whose the shouts and the clamour'? “It is Nuradln Pridon, he answered, “ruler of Mulghazanzar, Who has surrounded that plain and hunts with his army of soldierg.

967. Avtandil cast off his sorrows, gladly approaching the hunters. How can I speak of his beauty, the grace of his form and demeanour? Those who approached him were burned. those who parted were frozen. The sight of his slender form could sting the senses to madness.

968. Suddenly an eagle appeared. High in the heavens above them, AvtandiI urged on his steed, rode with the speed of an arrow. Loosened a shaft as he rode and the eagle fell like a stone. AvtandiI leapt from the saddle, cut off its wings. And remounted.

969. When they beheld him the soldiers ceased shooting. and breaking the circle. Eagerly hastened to him surrounding and pressing upon him. Wonder increased the nearer they came, rendered blind by his brightness. Awe-tied their tongues and they could do nothing but look on in silence.

970. High on the top of a hill overlooking the plain stood Pridon. Attended by forty Warriors. forty unrivalled archers. As Avtandil followed by crowds made his way to the hillock. Nuradin, puzzled and vexed at his soldiers summoned a slave.

971. Despatched him at once to learn the cause of the noise and the tumult. “Why have they broken the circle. why have they ceased from the shooting'? Swiftly the slave reached the hosts. but on seeing the cypress-formed stranger Stopped like one dazzled and stunned, forgetful of all he had come for.

972. Avtandil saw the slave and perceived he was sent there by Pddon. He said to him: “Go at once with this message to Pridon your master: I am a stranger newly arrived from a far-distant country, Sent as an envoy to you by Tariel, who calls you his brot her'

973. Straightway the slave went back to his king with the message he carried. He said: “A sun has arrived to add to the light of our day. Even the sage would be maddened. Reft of his senses to see him. He says that Tariel. Your brother, has sent him to you as envoy

974. When Nuradfn heard the name, his sorrows grew lighter and vanished. Tears flowed down from his eyes as joy pervaded his being. The joy froze the rose like a blast; from his eyes whirled snowstorms of tears, As from afar he gazed admiring and praising the stranger.

975. Nuradin quickly descended the hill, impatient to meet him; And when he saw him he thought: “No sun can be likened to him!, Avtandil outdid the praise Pridon had heard from his servant. Wetted in tears their eyes as the lions swiftly dismounted

976. Then they advanced and embraced as brother embraces brother. They felt joy in their hearts as they gazed admiring each other. Eyes would despise and turn from the sun on seeing these heroes. Slay me if heroes like these can be bought or sold in the marketl

977. Peerless and noble is Pridon, unequalled for beauty and valour. Yet he cannot be likened to Avtandll's radiant splendour. Under the light of the sun planets were dimmed and extinguished. Candles shine brightly at night but by day their lustre is fainter

978. They mounted their horses again and set out for Nuradin's palace. The hunting was put to an end. and the slaughter of beasts in the plain. Straight from all sides came the soldiers. all eager to see the stranger. cSurelYJ. they said. eno creature no earth excels him in beauty,.

979. Avtandil said to Pridon, I know you desire to hear me. Are eager to know who I am and where I come from, my Pridon. Eager for tidings of him who speaks of you as his brother. Though he calls me his brother, I am worthy to be but his slave.

980. I am King Rostevan's vassal, born and reared in Arabia, Grand Commander-in-cbief of all the hosts of Arabia, I come of a noble family, was brought up by the king as his son. Avtandil is my name, and none has ever defied me.

981. Once while hunting we saw a knight on the bank of the river, It was Tariel watering the plain with the tears he was shedding profusely. We were astonished and angered when he came not to Rostevan's summons. We knew not that fires burned within him, devouring the roots of his being.