The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

943. The branch of the cypress quivered; the rose drooped tower and faded. The crystal and ruby now changed to a lustreless shadow. He mustered his courage and strength ened himself to encounter death. “Why should I wonder at darkness, when you. o my sun, are absentb

944. He said to the sun: “To you, o Sun, do I liken my loved one; Like you she scatters her lustre. Illumining mountain and valley. Despite my woes I rejoice as I gaze on your radiant features. Why. o my sun, have you left me alone and chilled by your absence?

945. We freeze if the sun is absent from us for a month in winter. I have parted from two; how then, can my heart be unharmed? Can I be like rock that fee.s neither pain nor affliction' A knife cannot cure a wound; it cuts and pierces the deeper!

946. Avtandil looked toward Heaven and fervently prayed as he journeyed: O glorious Sun of the heavens, the mightiest of all that are mighty, You who exalt the humble, subdue the vain and the arrogant, Tilrn not my day into night, unite me with her once againl

947. Zlual, o iIl-omened star, add tears and woes to my anguish. Dye my poor heart, o planet of woe.. Enshroud it with darkness. As on a beast of burden heap sorrow on sorrow upon me; But tell her: Abandon him not! He weeps with longing for you.

948. Mushtar, planet of Justicel Hear now my prayer. I entreat you. 'Do justice to me, perfect judge, counsel my heart and console me; Distort not your judgment but judge me aright who am righteous. Why should you wound me afresh. By love and parting so wounded'

949. Listen, o blood-stained Marikh, come with your spear and pierce me. Dye and smear me red with the flow of blood from my wounds; Tell her, o planet of vengeance. What I endure without her; You see how afflicted I am. How my heart is devoid of all gladness.

950. Aspiroz, come to my help; I burn in the fires she has lighted. She whose pearls are bor.dered by lips of exquisite coral; You embellish the fair with graces from the store of your heavenly beauty, But one like me you abandon, leave to roam in the forests.

951. Otarid, planet of learning, how sadly alike is our fate; I. too, am whirled by the sun; it unites me to it and burns me. Mercury, write down my woesl for ink use the lake of my tears, Use my form as a pen which is slim as a reed and as graceful.

952. O Moon, have pity on me, like you I shrink and am wasted. I too, take light from the Sun, and lose my light when it leaves me. Tell her the cause of my torture, how I live in her absence. Tell her: 'Forsake him not!' Pity the lover's distraction!'

953. “Behold. The seven great planets have witnessed the truth of my sayings. Otarid, Zual. Aspiroz , Marikh and Mushtar have fainted. The mighty sun in the heavens is dim at the sight of my sorrow, You to Moon, bear witness! Show her the fires that consume meb

954. Then he said to his heart: “Though my tears flow in unceasing torrents Why should I call for death and yield to the promptings of Satan The thought of her raven tresses increases my frenzy to madness, But grief proves the strength of the heart; joy needs no courage to bear it.

955. “It is better to live, he said, as he pondered on life and its troubles, I may see my beloved again, therefore why should I murmur? Thus with new hope in his heart he sang while his tears flowed as freely. The nightingale's song was but croaking to the sweetness of Avtandil's singing.

956. The beasts drew near to listen, such was the charm of his singing. Even the stones of the river came from the water to listen. They listened, enraptured, and marvelled; wept at the sight of his weeping, Flowing profusely in fountains as song upon song rose in paeans.


957. After a seventy day journey Avtandil came to a seashore. Where at a distance he saw a ship just entering the harbour. When the ship had cast anchor he asked of the merchants and sailors who landed: Tell me what kingdom is this and who is the monarch tltat rUles it!”

958. They bowed before him and answered: O incomparable strangerl We are astonished to see such beauty of form and of face! Your charms have dazzled our eyes and we can barely speak for amazement. This Is the Turkish boundary, the marches of Nuradin Pridon.

959. Pridon is king of this country, a potent and generous sovereign; Heroic in strength and in prowess, respected and loved by his people. None has the power to harm so good and mighty a monarch. He is our patron whose rays spread out like sunbeams from heaven.

960. My brothers Avtandil said: “My heart rejoices to meet you. My brothers. I have come from a distant country in search of your lord and sovereign. Show me the way from here. How long is the road to his palace? The sailors then showed him the way and told him to follow the seashore.

961. “This is the road" they told him, to the kingdom of Mulghazanzar. There you will find our king, the invincible swordsman and hero. You will reach his castle. o cypress, after a ten days' journey. Why do you kindle our hearts and leave us consumed by your fires!