The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

1021. Our caravan set out from Egypt, with a convoy to guide and protect us. The ship we embarked on was laden with merchat'Jdise costly and precious. Pirates soon plundered our vessel, our men were captured and slaughtered. I do not know how I survived it, nor do I know how I came here".

1022. This is the reason you see us, distressed and lamenting. O lion. If we return to our city, our losses win be our destruction. If we embark, the marauders will plunder our vessel and kill us. We are bewildered and helpless. Courage and reason forsake us,.

1023. Avtandil said: cIt is useless to abandon yourselves to your sorrow. Destiny will not be cheated. None reverse its decisions. Fear not these pirates. However! Count upon me to assist you! All who would fight you shall perish. Pierced through by the blade of my sabret.

1024. Joy filled the hearts of the merchants; courage returned to their spirits. He is a lion-like hero. not timid like us but intrepid. We will put all in his keeping -our hopes, our lives. our possessionS. Therefore they boarded a vessel, heavily loaded with treasure.

1025. All unmolested, their vessel sailed under favouring breezes, To Avtandll, hero undaunted, the merchants entrusted their safety. After some days on the ocean, a vessel came sailing toward them. Flying the flag of the pirates, a battering ram at its bows

1026. The ship of the pirates came nearer, with shouting and blaring of trumpets. The sight of their numbers struck terror in the timorous hearts of the merchants. Avtandil bade them take courage: "Fear not the boasting of braggarts. Either today I will slay them or lay down my life in the effort!

1027. They can do nothing to me if I am not doomed to die; But if my fate is to fall. already the lances are sharpened. Comrades in arms can do nothing for him who is marked for disaster. He who has mastered this wisdom will never fear destiny's workings.

1028. “Merchants and traders are weaklings. Unskilled in the knowledge of warfare. Therefore seek shelter and safety, lest the swift arrows destroy you! See me. Alone in the battle, using my limbs like a lion! See how the blood of the corsair shall crimson the waters around usl

1029. With movements as swift as a panther, he clad himself in armour. Wielding a weapon of iron as if it were light as a feather. Dauntless of heart and demeanour he stood in the helm of the vessel Slaying the foe with his sword as his glance slew the hearts of beholders.

1030. The enemy yelled without ceasing, propelling their ram from the buttress. But Avtandil stood in the prow and faced them with unflinching courage. He struck at the ram with his mace, breaking its shaft into splinters, He struck with the strength of a lion. Till the enemy's might was confounded.

1031. The enemy's ram was demolished. but AvtandiI's ship was undamaged. Stricken by panic. the pirates sought to escape from his fury; He leaped like a tiger amongst them. hacking their limbs with his sabre, Never desisting from slaughter till all lay lifeless around him.

1032. Slaying the foe as the archer slays the wild goat with his arrow. Avtandil flung down theIr bodies. Letting them die where they fell. Some on the deck of the vessel. Some in the depth of the ocean. The cries of the wounded were stifled by the weight of the corpses above them.

1033. The knight was grateful to God for his victory over the pirates. The wounded implored him: “O lion, slaughter us not. we beseech yom. Those who survived he slew not but carried them off as his servants. The Apostle truly declared: clove is engendered by fean.

1034. Boast not. O man. of your strength, of heroic deeds and achievements . Might Is of no avail if the power of God does not help you. A single spark is enough to burn a forest to cinders. A log is as sharp as a sabre if God desires to protect you.

1035. Avtandil found on the ship the ill-gotten wealth of the pirates. He called all the merchants to him and showed them the stores of the treasures— Usam no longer lamented but was happy again and elated. Grateful to God for his Goodness. He exalted the knight who had saved them.

1036. Those who praise Avtandil need a thousand tongues to describe him; Nor could they tell how enchanting and wondrously fair was his beauty. The caravan joyfully shouted: “Great are your doings. O, God! Night is dispelled by the sun and a glorious day is before us”.

1037. They eagerly thronged around him. They kissed his face. hands and feet. Endless praises were sung, and the air rung with loud acclamations. The sight of such beauty maddens the fool as well as the wiseman. “You have deHvered our lives from certain disasten, they told him.

1038. Avtandil said: “Let us pray to the Lord, our Creator and Father. By Him do the heavenly powers determine the course of our footsteps. His are the secrets beyond us, the wondrous birth of creation. Trust in the Lord and believe Him; He is our only redeemer”.

1039. God has preserved you from evil. from certain death and destruction. I, who am only a mortal could do nothing ifGod had not helped me. Now I have slain your foes; I have fulfilled all I promised. Take as a present from me the ship with its measureless riches:t.

1040. Happy is he who has vanquished the foe in a hazardous battle. A tower of unequalled bravery, surpassing his comrades in courage. Though he was wounded and weary, his bearing was calm and majestic. They lavishly showered upon him praiSes, good wishes and blessings