The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

790. The man who goes forth to battle with countenance heavy and downcast, Shirking. The bloody encounter. Shrinking from death and disaster, a creature, wretched and weak. Let him weave at the loom amongst women. The valorous knight craves glory, he cares little for booty.

791. “Death finds his way unimpeded. be the path narrow or rocky; He smites the hero and coward, the youth and the aged together. None may delay when he summons, all must unite in the tomb, Better a glorious death, than life dragged out in dishonour.

792. dn fear and trembling. O King, I offer my only petition. He is mistaken who thinks that death is not lying in wait Day and night for us all. If I should see you no longer. My life will be naught until I lay down my existence.

793. lf I should die on my journey. Then let me fall by the wayside. Wretched. Unmourned, unshrouded. Forgotten by all who have loved me. Yet, when you hear I am gone, let not your mercy forsake me. Drop but a tear for the traveller. Remember my humble entreaty.

794. Countiess are my possessions, none has measured their value, Spread them among the poor, free the slaves of my household. Give to the penniless orphan. Give to the weak and the ailing, Then I shall be remembered and blessed by those I have succoured.

795. AlI that is deemed unworthy of a place in your kingly storehouse. Use for the building of bridges, of homes for the homeless orphan. Let not your hand be sparing, freely distribute my treasure, There is none other but you to assuage the flames that consume me.

796. Tidings of me will not. Reach you; I commit my soul to your mercy. True are the words of my letter, I would not dissemble or flatter, The Evil One shall not seduce me, I will resist his temptations. Pray for me, then, and forgive me. For if I perish. I perish.

797. Shermadin merits your favour, he, the best-loved of my vassals, Do not increase his afflictions, do not bring tears to his eyelids. The year of his grief will be lengthened, for remember, is this not leap-year' Therefore, o King, console him; comfort him while I am absent.

798. “This is the will I bequeath you, with my own hand it is written. Guide of my youth. I leave you. though my heart is sore with contrition, Let not the sovereigns bewail me, do not be clad in dejection, But be majestic in power, so that your enemies tremble”.

799. Avtandil wrote no more, to Shermadin handed the paper, Bidding him choose a moment to convey his will to the monarch.” “I trust it to YOU, he told him, cfor none can excel you in service”. Then they embraced one another, blood with their tears commingling.


800. Avtandil fervently prayed: “Great God of earth and of Heaven, Sometimes inflicting punishment, sometimes unbounded in mercy, Tongue cannot speak of Your greatness, o God, supreme and all-mighty! Give me,O Ruler of hearts, the strength to master my passion.

801. God, God, I beseech You, You, who governs the earth and the heavens, You have created love; You have decreed its law. I am severed by fate from my sun and forced frbm her presence, God. Uproot not the love she has sowed for me, I implore Youl

802. “Who else save You have I to aid me, o Father of Mercy? Render me aid and sustain me however long my journey, You are my shelter from onslaughting foes and the power of Satan. If I survive, o God, I will worship and serve you forever!

803. When he had prayed he mounted his horse and rode from the paJace, Leaving behind him his vassal who beat his breast and lamented, Tore his beard and wept loudly, shed tears that flowed down in torrents. What can give joy to a vassal deprived of the sight of his master?


804. Let us not follow the swordsman but return to Rostevan's palace. There was no audience that day for the King was still perplexed and angered . When the day dawned he rose with a lowering frown on his countenance, Gave the command that Sograt, the vizier, appear before him.

805. When he beheldtlte vizier enter the hall of audience. Rostevan said with emotion: cI recall not what had provoked me, Yet I remember your discourse'llJaddened my heart and my reason. I also recall. My Sograt. How I scolded. Cursed and abused you.

806. "What was it Avtandil wished that enraged me to , treat you thus sorely? Truly the sages assert that spite is a net of afflictions. One must not, hasten to blame but must first consider the matter. Fear not and boldly speak out and acquaint me with all that has happened.

807. Sograt again told the king of Avtandil's hasty departure. “Hold! “ interrupted Rostevan “Hold! lest my wrath turn to frenzy. May I be Levi the Jew. if I think you sane and not maddened! Say not a word. Old vizier, lest I turn against you forever!”