The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

982. Rostevan, highly incensed, commanded his soldiers to seize him; But with one blow of his whip he slaughtered and slashed them to pieces. Some he despatched outright, others he mortally wounded. We learned that no force could divert the course of the moon from its orbit.

983. When Rostevan saw how the knight had destroyed his valiant warriors, He instantly mounted his horse, pursued him with furious swiftness. But when Tariel turned, saw the sovereign riding behind him He quickly gave the reins to his horse and was lost to our eyes.

984. We searched for that knight in vain; we could find no trace nor footprint. The king was distressed and forbade revelry, sporting and feasting. I was impatient too, to learn some news of the stranger. So I secretly left one day with smouldering fires in my bosom.

985. Valnly I searched the world three long years for the stranger, Till I encountered some warriors. The Khatavlans he had mauled. I found him at last but the rose of his beauty was faded and drooping. As a brother welcomes a brother. So did he make me welcome

986. “He had seized the caves from the Devis in a contest both bloody and fearful. And there he dwelt with Asmat, alone in the desolate cavern Consumed by unquenchable fires, ceaselessly weeping for Nestan. And we who are absent from him, what can we do but mourn him'

987. Asmat sits weeping alone. While Tariel hunts in the forest. Brings back game for her nurture as the lion succours its young ones. Restless he roams the plain. Ever pursued by his sorrow. Wishing to see none other but Asmat. His companion in pain,

988. He told me the tale of his sorrows, he opened his heart to a stranger. Spoke of his love for a maiden, and of all the disasters it brought him. Should I relate the afflictions showered on the heads of these lovers. You would think I was mad. None could believe such a storyl

989. Wandering over the earth as the moon roams over the heavens, He never dismounts from the charger, the steed that he owes to your bounty. As the wild beast hides from the hunter, he shrinks from the face of mortals. It is painful to remember that knight dying for her whom he worships.

990. l, too. Am consumed in that furnace consuming the bosom of Tariel' My heart was maddened by pity, my only desire was to help him. I roamed over land and ocean, but found no balm for his sorrows, And at last I returned to my sovereign, and found him nursing his sorrow.

991. “The sovereign heard with displeasure my plea to depart once again. Therefore I stole frem my soldiers, deaf to their grievous lamentings. I departed but left behind me an ocean of tears of blood. And now by land and by water I seek a cure for his sorrows,

992. “He told me of you and the oaths of eternal friendship you swore, I find you a peerless knight, worthy of praise and of homage. Give me. therdore, your counsel. tell me where I may find her Whose presence bestows a blessing, whose absence is most bltter'tormenb,

993. Avtandll's every word seemed to burn into Pridon's soul. They both lamented loudly In a threnody worthy of praise. They wept with maddened hearts as sobs burst forth from their bosoms. The roses were sprinkled by the water of tears dammed up in the jungle.

994. A clamour of sobbing and groaning rose from the ranks of the soldiers; They tore at their flesh in distraction. Ripped their garments to ribbons. Pridon loudly lamented the seven long years' separation World. You are cruel and fickle, deaf to the cries of a lover!

995. How shall we sing your praises, your matchless worth and your beauty? You are the sun of our earth. You have stolen the sun from our heavens. The planets have borrowed your radiance, the firmament shines in your lustre, Tariel, lamp in our darkness. Cheerless in life in your absencel

996. “Since I was parted from you, my life had become but a burden; You have no time to remember the friend who can think of no other. You can be happy without me, my absence does not oppress you. But for me the world is a desert. If I may see you no longen.

997. The music of Pridonts lamenting rose like a dirge to the heavens, And sank Into silence again as the friends rode on without speaking. All who beheld were amazed when they looked upon Avtandil's beauty. The jet black lakes of his eyes were hid by their lowered lashes

998. When they arrived at the city they found a magnificent palace, Ministers seated in state, and slaves richly apparelled. They entered the spacious court; and all who beheld them were ravished By Avtandilts beauty and grace and the knightly figure of Pridon.

999. Ten times ten were the nobles ranged each side of the tables. Pridon and Avtandil sat surroundell by magnates and nobleS. Never before were such beauty and such youth assembled togetherl Jet and ivory decked their faces of crystal and ruby.

1000. They sat and banqueted gaily on choicest of viands and liquors. As a kinsman treats a kinsman, thus was Avtandll treated. Merrily passed the hours in the pleasures of feasting and drinking, But Avtandil wounded the hearts of all who looked on his beauty.

1001. Thus they feasted till sunset; the hall resounded with laughter. It was dawn when the guest was led to a bath of sweet-scented water. They dressed him in rich and magnificent robes as befitted his beauty.