The knight in the panther's skin, 1979


905. Thus they conversed and wept till at last they arrived at the cavern. Asmat saw them approaching, joyfully hastened to meet them. Warmly they greeted each other; their tears poured like torrents from mountains. Each was eager to know what had befallen the other.

906. "God Almighty", prayed Asmat, "You are beyond all expression. We are filled, with your fulness, o Lord. filled with your luminous radiance. Praise You! How can we praise You! Man is powerless to praise You! Glory to God who gives strength when grief exceeds all endurance.

907. Tariel said: “Dear sister, this is the cause of my weeping. Fate took pleasure. alas, in turning our joys to sorrow. It's an established law of the world, one to be honoured. Were it not pity for you, I would rather have died. my Asmat

908. Would a sane and reasonable man pour water away if thirsty' Why then, I marvel, do tears that flow so profusely soak me' Water unceasingly flows from my eyes yet from thirst I am dying. Woe! How the full-blown rose, the beauteous pearls, have perished”.

909. Avtandil, too, recalled his sun and loved one with sadness. “O sun. my beloved”, he wept, chow can I live without you' Absent from you, my life is a pitiable. dolorous burden. Who can relate what I suffer, what soul-scorching fires consume me?”

910. How can a rose ever think: 'Without the sun I can blossom'P' What would, alas, be our lot if the sun set never to rise' Therefore, o heart, make yourself like a rock hard and unbreakable. God may fulfil your desire; let not despair overcome yoU),

911. Thoughtful and silent they stood restraining their pent-up emotions. Asmat then entered the cavern; like them she was burning in fires. Spreading the skin on the ground. she bade the two heroes be seated. Then they conversed with each other, relating all their adventures.

912. While they conversed the malden hastened to kindle a fire, Roasted some meat and bidding them eat. placed it before them. Though they entreated and begged him to eat Tariel sat listless. He bit off a piece of the meat but could scarcely swallow a morsel

913. Sweet and voluble talk delights the ear and the spirit. Charmed would he be as he listens to every word of their discourse. Even the fires that scorch to distraction are quelled by its sweetness. Opening one's heart to a friend is to quench and lighten one's troubles

914. Thus did the lion-like heroes pass the whole night together. Speaking as friend to friend. revealing their hopes and their sorrows. Morning still found them talking. unburdening their hearts to each other. Again they recalled their vows. Again they plighted new pledges

915. Tariel said to Avtandil: cWords are not needed to judge us, For your devotion to me the' Lord will surely reward you. Binding and firm is our vow, not like the word of a drunkard, Not to forget but always to remember a friend though departed.

916. Have compassion upon me. Why stir up the fires that torture' Steel has not kindled the flames that have made of my heart a furnace. You will be burned in the fires that you strive in vain to extinguish. Therefore, return to your sun. Tarry here no longer.

917. Even to Him Who has made me, it seems very hard to cure me. Therefore I roam like a madman. What else can I do' Tell me. I too was once a doer of what befits a man. But madness is my lot. So, as you see, I am mad

918. What can I say in reply to what you now tell me'. Said Avtandil, You yourself have spoken as a man wisely instructed. How is it that God who has made you cannot cure a wound. He the Creator and Upbringer of everything sown or planted'

919. Why did the Lord create you, if He wished to part you forever? Why should He wish to embitter your life with unending sorrows' Know that mischance and agony always pursue the lover. As there is a God above us you two will meet-else destroy mel

920. “He who stands firm and can triumph over all his sufferings is a man. Why should you shrink from the struggle, unnerve your limbs and spirit' Fate is ruthless and fickle. Yet. Fear not, God is our fortress. Know that he is an ass who disregards good counsel

921. Listen well to my words, let this suffice for teaching. Know that my sun for the sake of our friendship has favoured my coming. I said to Tinatin: 'Since he has made of my heart hot cinders. I am no longer of use to you, I will not stay.'

922. l am content: she told me. 'for you are a man to be proud or. In serving a friend who needs you I feel you are serving me. - At her request I have come and not as a raving drunkard. If I return she will think I have stolen away like a coward

923. “Better than all this discourse is to heed to the counsel I give you: He who desires to fulfill a difficult task must be prudent. Flowers for lack of the sun grow pale, droop low and wither; I also am weighed down by sorrow; come, help me as brother does brother.