The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

713. After a day of rejoicing the monarch returned to his palace. All the great princes and nobles were asked to remain at a banquet. Rostevan sat on his throne; his guests on richly-decked couches. The sounds of the changis were sweet, the lutes and the chorus of singers.

714. Avtandil sat near the king who wished to hear more of the horseman. Lips shone like coral and ruby and teeth like flashes of lightning. All the great nobles and viziers drank in his story and marvelled. They wearied not and were eager to speak only of that swordsman

715. Avtandil left for his palace, his heart overburdened with sorrow. He saw nothing but her image. Of nothing but her did he ponder. Slumber and rest now forsook him; the thought of departure oppressed him. Whose heart if maddened will listen to prayers and pleadings of patience?

716. What other balm but your image can console my heart, he lamented, When I am sundered from you, you the embellisher of Eden, Joy to all who behold you, the cause of woe to the absent? Come in my dreams, o loved one, since I must live without yom.

717. Thus he conversed with his heart while tears flowed over his bosom. PatienCe, he said to his heart, cis the fountain-head of true wisdom. How can we bear affliction if patience is a stranger to us? If we desire to be happy we must also be patient in sorrow.

718. “Though you are longing for death and are exhausted, my heart, with weeping. Yet know it is better to live and yield up your life in her service. Bear then the fire that burns you, conceal it deep in your bosom, For a true lover should never expose his wounds to anothen.


719. Next morning Avtandil rose, attired and mounted his courser. He prayed to the Lord: “O God! Give strength to my heart for endurance, Strength to conceal my wound for I would that my love be hidder, Thus absorbed in his thoughts he went to the house of the vizier.

720. Sograt was told of his coming. “The sun has risen above us! Truly, this day betokens great joy to my house, said Sograt. Then he saluted his guest with homage befitting an emperor. He who is dear to the host is a welcome and honoured guest.

721. Sagrat, with marks of great gladness, helped the knight to dismount. Under Avtandil's feet a carpet was laid to walk on. The youth illumined the house as the sun illumines the heavens. They said: “The breeze has wafted to us the fragrance of roses

722. Avtandil seated himself before an admiring assembly. All who beheld him stood spell-bound, so dazzled were they by his beauty. And in the transports of joy their spirits sank, happily swooning. But the vizier told to go and liave him alone with Avtandil.

723. When all had dispersed to their homes Avtandil said to Sograt: “Nothing is hidden from you. o reverent vizier and counsellor I Even the king yields to you and Is ruled by your wisdom and counsel. Cure me, I pray, and assuage the pain of my wound, and heal it.

724. I am consumed by the fire that is burning that swordsman to madness. My tonging to see him again is torturing me to distraction. Know, he would yield up his life for the sake of our love and friendship. Can I betray him, my Sograt, begrudge him my life or my service?

725. I was trapped as in a net and caught when I first beheld him. Though I am here before you. Yet my heart is with him. Like the bright sun he burns and dazzles all who approach him. The malden with him is dearer to me than even a sister.

726. ,When 1 departed from him I gave him a sacred promise: 'I swear by my sun and by Heaven to return and never forsake youl For you of the darkened heart I shall seek that light-shedding maiden". The time for departure has come, therefoJe I leave you. My Sograt.

727. ,All that I tell you is true. This is the cause of my leaving. Tariel awaits me. Can I, who is mad. abandon a madman' I would sooner yield up my life than relillquish the pledge I have given. Cursed is the man who betrays the solemn oath of friendship I

728. Go now, report to his majesty all I have told you. My Sograt. Plead my cause well with the monarch, o wisest of viziers, I pray you. Though he is absolute sovereign yet I will go though he ehain mel Help me! Let not the fires that are searing my heart destroy mel

729. “Tell him from me: 'O King, let all who have tongue exalt you! God knows that anguish I feel. that I am the cause of your grievance. I was burning for him, for that youth with the form of a cypress. He has fettered my heart to his own; I was powerless to withhold it.

730. “'What is existence without him?- one endless torture, your highness. Of what avail am I here. deprived of my heart and reasont If I am of service to him. then to you will the glory belong. Happen what may I must go. I am bound to the pledge I have plighted.

731. Let not my going, o monarch, occasion you grief or annoyance. I am resigned to my fate. Let that what the Lord wills befall me. God grant you behold me, o King, return triumphant and happy. If I return not. Be happy, may your reign be long and prosperous