The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

673. Then to the royal maiden before whom the sun was a shadow Shermadin said: “He comes to your presence with gladdening tidings.. Brighter by far than the sunlight flashed the rays of her lustre. She gave him a magnificent present and robes to all his nobles

674. The king with nobles and viziers came out on the road to receive him. They were impatient and eager to pay due respects to the hero. The crowds that assembled were vast as they thronged to meet him with praises To express their warm-hearted blessings as Avtandil made his entry

675. When the hero approached the monarch he alighted and bent low before him. The king, overjoyed to see him, with tear-filled eyes embraced him. They were happy and in very high spirits as they entered the hall of the palace. Those assembled rejoiced, and welcomed the sun-faced hero.

676. Avtandil, the lIon of lions did homage to the sun of suns. Love for each other embellished the jet, the rose and the crystal. Tinatin's face was brighter than the light of the brighteSt planet. Only the sky was a fitting abode for that sun and the lion.

677. All now sat down to feasting at a luxurious and sumptuous banquet. Rostevan smiled in his joy and lovingly gazed on Avtandil. Snowflakes embellished the sovereign, dewdrops the rose and the crystal. Pearls were bestowed upon all in a lavish, unceasing shower.

678. When the gay feasting was over the drinkers went merrily homeward. But the nobles were told to remain with Avtandil seated before them. Rostevan asked him to tell them the story of all his adventures, Give an account of what he had seen and heard of that horseman.

679. Be not amazed”, said Avtandil, “to behold me bitterly weeping. The light of his visage surpasses even the sun in its glory. Such is the glow of his beauty that all who behold him are maddened. Far away among thorns the rose has faded and withered.

680. When unendurable fate makes a man suffer heart-rending sorrow. The reed puts forth thorns and the enamel turns to yellow like saffron”. While he was speaking he sighed and unrestrained tears fell profusely. He gave a detailed account of all he had heard from Tarlel.

681. “Tariel's abode is a cavern captured by force from the Devls. He dwells there with Asmat the maiden; she is his only companion. He is attired in the skin of a panther and not in rich garments, Blind and deaf to the world for an unceasing fire consumes him

682. When he had finished narrating the story of all that befell him, Of heroes with undaunted courage, of incredible deeds and of battles, The sight of the light of his sun gladdened his heart and consoled him. They praised him and said: O lion, glory to you and your prowess

683. Tinatin's joy knew no bounds as she listened to Avtandil's story. She was delighted to hear the sounds of mirth and of laughter. Entering his room he beheld the slave of his sun with a message. Tongue cannot tell his gladness when told she desired to see him

684. Avtandil, eager and joyous, hastened at once to his loved one, An unscathed, battle-worn lion who had roamed the fields with lions, Truly a knight of the world. a rare inestimable jewel, Who had exchanged heart for heart and cherished the thought of his loved one.

685. Tinatin sat on the throne, majestic and proud in her beauty. Eyebrows and tresses of jet embellished the ruby-hued crystal. A cypress planted in Eden and watered by streams of Euphrates. Only Athenian sages could give due praise to that maiden

686. Taking his hand, the maiden lovingly made him sit near her. Happy to be together their words flowed with rapturous freedom, Yet with profound erudition in fluent and eloquent phrases . Victory is yours”. Said Tinatin. “in spite of afflictions and hardships”.

687. When fate grants a man the desire of his hearb. said Avtandil slowly, Like a vile day that is past it befits not man to recall it. I found him, a cypress in form, watered by waters of sorrow: The glow of his ruby-bright face is a wan and yellow-hued amber.

688. “There did I find that cypress, exhausted of strength and of spirib. He wept: .Woe is me! I have lost the divine and exquisite crystalor him I burn. For like me, unquenchable fires consume him”. Then once again he narrated the story Tariel had told him:

689. Recounted again his hardships and the woes he had met on his journey. God had compassion upon me and at last I found what I sought for. He wanders alone in the throes of his sorrow through field and forest. Like a wild beast he shuns, despises the world and its pleasures.

690. “Such is his beauty and charm that words suffice not to praise him. He who beholds him but once will never cast eyes on another. For like the sun his radiance amazes and blinds the beholder. The rose now is saffron in colour, a withering nosegay of violets”.

691. Thus be related to her all he knew and had heard of the swordsman, How like a panther he dwelled in a cave and roamed the dense forests, Of the fair maiden who shared his sorrow and lovingly served him. “Man is condemned”he sighed, do suffer and endure affliction,.

692. The maiden smiled kindly at him who had thus fulfilled her desire. Like the bright sun at noontide her face lighted up with pleasure. “What can be done., she asked, do relieve and comfort the sufferer'! What is the balsam to heal or assuage the pain of his anguish"