The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

654. Listen to what I say; I speak as a sage. Not a madman. Listen well to my words; think well of all I tell you. A man so furious of heart. With passions like you can do nothing. Now I must go to her for whose sake hot fires consume me.

655. I shall relate :what you told me. The whole of your marvelous story. Give me your word before God not to abandon this cavern. I beg you to swear and assure me by the light of your sun and by Heaven To be true to your promise to me. True to our pledges of friendship.

656. Give me your word. And promise to walt for me in this cavern. If you wait for me here in this cave and promise not to go elsewhere I shall assure you by oath that I shall.never forsake you I shall come here again and remain to roam the forests with you.

657. “How is ib. Tariel gave answer, dhat a stranger thus loves a stranger' A nightingale would sooner depart from the rose as you would forsake me. How can I ever forget you, how can I cease to recall you' God grant I may see you again, o full-grown cypress of Eden!

658. If you return. o lion, and my eyes see your face once again. My heart will not fly to the plains like the stag or the deer of the forest. If I relinquish my pledge may God judge and doom me forever I Your very presence will harm my sorrow away and dissolve itI,

659. They plighted a solemn pledge of eternal and devoted friendship. They were amber-hued jacinths, wise-worded yet maddened and frantic. Love for each other blazed forth and they groaned at the thought of the parting. Then the two friends embraced and awaited the dawn of the morrow.

660. When it was morning they rose, embraced each other and parted. Their tears fell fast and profusely mOistening Hle meadow about them. Tariel left to himself gave way to heart-rending weeping. Avtand ii, too, overcome, shed tears as he rode through the rushes.

661. Asmat with tear-filled eyes went with the knight to the forest. She begged not to forget the solemn pledge he had given. Like a sweet violet she faded as she humbly prostrated before him. “Can I think of ought else;., he answered. “save Tariel and you, my sister'

662. I shall not tarry at home but will soon return as I promised. Let him not wander alone or roam like a beast in the forest. If in two months I come not may God Almighty denounce meet. Then he embraced the maiden and galloped away through the rushes.


663. He felt separation from Tariel wearing his soul away. He scratched his face in despair, and froze the rose of his cheeks. The beasts licked the blood that flowed in streams from his wounds. He rode with such speed that his pace shortened his dreary way.

664. Avtandil came to the city where he had left his armies. Great was their joy to behold him and they met him with loud acclam atons. At once men were sent to Shermadin bearing the happy tidings. He for whose sake we were saddened has come, great lord, they informed him.

665. Shermadin hastened to meet him and fell on his knees before him. Tears of gladness poured down as he prostrated himself before bim. Thus did he speak: “O God! Am I awake or dreaming' How am I worthy of this -that I see you thus safe and sound?

666. Avtandil also advanced and kissed and embraced him fondly. “Thanks be to GodJ, he said, eno affliction has fallen upon yoU. Great was the honour and homage paid him by peers and by nobles. Great the rejoicing and mirth, the cheers and loud jubillation.

667. Then he was led to his palace where a great assembly was waiting. All of the city was there anxious to welcome and greet him. Forthwith he sat down to feasting, proud and majestic of manner. Mortal tongues have no power to describe the joy of the meeting.

668. As he narrated to Shermadin the story of all his adventures, How he had found the knight who he said was the sun of the heavens, Weeping strangled his voice and his eyes were blinded by tears. A palace or hub, said Avtandil, “are alike to me without him,.

669. Shermadin told him the news and doings of home and of kingdom. II have done all as you ordered. No one has learned of your absence”. Avtandil went not that day to court but feasted and rested, But when it dawned he rose and mounted his horse and set out.

670. He desired not to feast any longer nor remain alone in his palace. Bearing the tidings to court, Shermadin hastened before him Swiftly he fared; in three days he made a fifteen days' journey. He desired to set eyes on the maiden whose beauty vied with the sunrays.

671. He sent a message to Rostevan: “O powerful. illustrious monarch, Awe and respect overwhelm me as I come before you, great sovereign. Could I have dared to address you knowing naught of the horseman, 'I come now in joy and in safety bringing you news of that stranger..

672. Shermadin entered the palace and bending low in deep homage Delivered the message to Rostevan, the proud and imperious monarch. “Avtandil comes, your highness, with news of a certain horseman... “God the Almighty has granted all that I prayed for., said Rostevan.