The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

387. Asmat drew back the rich curtains, revealing a gem-studded throne Under a golden canopy, gleaming w,ith rubies and diamonds; upon it was seated the maiden whose face shone bright like the sunrays. The raven black pools o'f her eyes met mine with looks of affection..

388. “speechless we gazed at each'other, struck dumb by the strength of our feelings. Long did I stand in silence while we looked at each other in rapture. At last she said something to Asmat who approached and whispered: Leave. She cannot find words to address youl' The flames in me turned to ashes.

389. “Drawing the curtains aside, she led me away from the chamber. 'Why did you heal my wound, o fatel', I cried in my anguish, “'Only to wound me again and shatter the gladness you gave me?' The pain of parting is anguish that gnaws the heart of a lover.

390. Asmat promised me comfort as we wended our way:through the garden. Why, Should you torture your heart at this parting? She said to me gently. Open the portals of joy and conceal from all eyes your sorrow. She is ashamed to speak, therefore her dIgnified' manner'. '

391. Heaven has Sent you to me as balsam to soothe me I answered. Fulfil one requeSt, I command you, do not cut me off from her letters. I swear by her life I will serve you as neyer a man served his sister. Never delay any tidings or message from her, I implore you'.

392. Mounting my horse I departed. Hot tears ,flowed freely in channels. Reaching my room I lay down to stifle my madness in slumber. The crystal and ruby became a deadly blue colour. I longed for the gloom of darkness and wished not the dawn of morning.


393. My envoys arrived with a message the Khatavian king had sent me. lt was an insolent answer provoking our pride and anger. 'We are no cowards', he wrote. 'nor are our marches defenceless. Who is that monarch of yours that you think him lord of our country"

394. Ramaz their ruler addressed me: 'Be it known to you, o Tarlel, I. who am king of this kingdom and lord over many a people. Marvel at what you have written commanding my presence before you. I shall receive no letter or message from you in the future'.

395. commanded my hosts to be summoned; I sent for the lord of the marches. The armies of India assembled. Countless as stars in the heavens. From near and from far they hastened, from every part of the country, Crowding the plains and the valleys, the mountains and rocks with their Slumbers.

396. “Troop after troop assembled in ranks and in squadrons before me, Warriors mounted on horses attired in Khvarazmian armour. Warlike. Impetuous, gallant, with eyes flashing eager for battle. They stood in excellent order; their mien and alertness pleased me.

397. “Raising the red and black banner, the royal standard of India, I commanded the countless host to prepare and set out in the morning. I wept to myself and lamented the grievous fate of my life. How can I leave without seeing the sun,' I sadly reflected.

398. The grief in my heart redoubled as I slowly entered my bedroom. With tears streaming downwards in showers and sobs rending soul and body I bitterly wept: 'Vile fate. Am I destined to endless longing' Why did my hand touch the rose, if alas, I am powerless to pluck it'


399. To my wonder I saw her servant enter the chamber. Scarcely repressing my feelings, I at once read the letter he gave me. The sun for whom you are longing now calls you to her", wrote Asmat,' Why do you sit lamenting your destiny? Cornel She awaits you'.

400. Such was my joy at the tidings that fortitude almost forsook me, But I recovered and when it was evening I went to her palace. Asmat was waiting for me at the gate of the royal garden. Enter', she said with a smile. 'The moon awaits you, the lion'.

401. I was conducted by Asmat to the sun-maid's beautiful chamber. The moon was surrounded with lustre that fell In radiance about her. CLad in a sea-green garment she sat with the mien of an empress. Proud yet tempered with sweetness, exquisite of form and of visage.

402. I entered and stood on the edge of the carpet with my heart beating fiercely. The fire within me was quieted. The darkness of heart was lightened. She who was fairer than sunrays reclined on the softest of cushions. She blushed and lowered her eyes, then raised them up for a moment.

403. “'Asmat. entreat him to come and be seated beside me', she ordered. First I bent low before her, then seated myself on a cushion. Fate that wounded my heart now filled it with joy and with gladness. I marvel I Jive as I utter the words she murmured that evening.

404. l know you were hurt at my silence that day', she said with a sigh, Offended and grieved, o lion, that I sent you away', she added. Absence from me has withered the rose that the sun has abandoned Am I to be blamed If my love has rendered me bashful before you?