The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

369. I was amazed for the letter was sent by her whom I longed for. 'Lion,' she wrote, 'why reveal the wound You are suffering, to all. Know I am yolirs, my loved one, so recover your strength and your spIrit. Asmat will tell you I hate unavailing lament and groaning.

370. What kind of lover is he who spends all his time in weeping? He who loves truly should show his loved on heroic achievements. The Khatavians, you know, my Tariel, are subject to us, their sovereign. But their rebellion and pride have roused our impatience and anger.

371. "Though I was silent, beloved. the wish of my heart was to wed 'you In vain have I tried many times to find time or occasion to meet you. I have been told by Asmat of your illness and all that befell you; I saw you deprived of your reason and carried away in a litter

372. l have a mission for you, so lIsten and do as I tell you. Go and wage war with the enemy, prove yourself truly a hero. Weep idly no more nor languish. Why moisten the rose with your tears? Behold I have lightened your darkness. What more can the sun do, beloved?'

373. Asmat spoke boldly to me; she was neither timid nor frightened. What can I tell of myself. How can I express the joy That made my heart beat wildly as it trembed and failed within me. Rubies flamed in my cheeks, my face became crystal again.

374. “This was the letter I read which the sun-like malden had sent me. The answer I sent went like this: 'O moon. No sun can surpass you. Humbly I pray to the Lord to make me deserve your affection. I marvel and think it a dreaml Can mortal endure such happiness?'

375. “Turning to Asmat I said: 'This is all I can write in answer, Tell her as follows: 'O sun-maid. Since you have risen before me, Restored me to life who was dead, I will languish and weaken no more, Call me a coward and liar if I shun even death in your service',

376. Asmat replied: 'I was told by my mistress to tell you the following: 'Better.' she says, 'to be silent and keep this affair a secret, Tell him to come as your lover so that no one should know of our meeting. This she requests you to do; for love, she says, must be hidden",

377. “The counsel she gave me was pleaSing and uttered in eloquent phrases. It was a joy to my soul that the maiden had counselled so wisely. The life-giving wisdom of her whom even the sun feared to gaze on, Beside whose resplendence the light of the sunniest day was like darkness.

378. “Then I gave Asmat a cup full of rare and valuable jewels, 'I have plenty like these', she said, and refused to accept it. But from the jewels she selected a ring weighing less than a drachma. She said and bent low before me: 'This is enough as a tokenl-

379. “'Asmat departed. My heart was no longer pierced through with lances. Darkness was turned into daylight and the fires that had scorched were abated. Then I returned to the hall where my comrades were merrily feasting. And in the transport of joy bestowed rich presents upon them.


380. “Next day I despatched to Khatveti a messenger bearing my message. I wrote to their ruler as follows: 'Parsadan, King of the Indians Is a mighty and powerful monarch. Those loyal to him are enriched. But be warnedl Those who defy him will be punished and forced to obedience.

381. “'Brother and lord, I warn you, beware our wrath and displeasure. Read the command of your monarch. Make haste and appear in his presence, Else we will come and Invade you, make you succumb to our power. Come and submit to his will unless you want battle and bloodshed",

382. “The moment the envoy departed I gave myself up to amusement. Flames that had made of my heart a furnace were calmed and abated. Heaven had mercy upon me and granted me all I had wished for. But now, as you see, I am maddened, so mad that wild creatures avoid me.

383. “Time passed, Once again I grew restless and often made plans to go travelling But my heart and my reason consoled me, and I sought to find peace in diversion. But my desires were so great that enjoyment had lost all its pleasures. Often when gloom overcame me I cursed the fate that had doomed me.


384. Once on returning from Parsadan, weary I entered my chamber. Sleep avoided my eyes as thoughts of the maiden absorbed me. But when I re-read her letter, I felt 'hopeful again and happy, And happier still when informed that her slave had arrived with a message.

385. “Asmat's slave entered my room. I read the letter she sent me. She who had wounded my heart, summoned me now to her presence. Joy once I,Igain pierced my darkness, loosening the fetters that choked me. Wordless, with only the slave, at once I set out for the palace.

386. I entered the garden alone. 'No one was there to meet me. Suddenly Asmat appeared with her countenance glowing in smiles. 'I have extracted,' she said, 'the thorn from your heart forever. Come now and see your rose, unfaded, unwithered and fragrant',