The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

483. “One of my slaves now entered and bowed in obeisance before me. A lady in veils', he said, 'has come, my lord, with a message'. Hastily I rose to receive her and my heart beat fiercely within me. And to my joy I beheld Asmat enter'my chamber

484. I was delighted to see her for the sake of her whom I worshipped. I stopped her from doing me homage,I warmly kissed and embraced her. Taking her hand I made her sit by my side on the sofa; Then with a trembling heart I eagerly asked for the tidings.

485. I was anxious to know all of that cypress -formed maiden. I shall not flatter', said Asmat, 'but speak to you frankly and truly. Today you saw one another and spoke of your love with your glances. I come with a message from her who is also longing to see you.'

486. Asmat gave me her letter which glowed like the light of her features. She wrote to me: 'i have seen the gem-like glow of your radiance. Never has hero returning from battle surpassed you In beauty. You are surely deserving my love and the tears I am shedding.

487. 'Can I refrain from praising your blessed arm and your beauty Only with you can I speak, only with you do I live; Your sun has a garden of roses and jet as a bower for the lion. I am yours only I my dear one, I swear by your life and by Heaven

488. “'The streams of tears you have shed for me have not flowed in vain. From now on weep no more, put away all tears and sorrows, Those who gaze upon you curse the eyes that behold me. Cover me, love, with the veil which but now was bound about you.

489. “'Give me the veils that adorn you, the mantle you brought from the battle. You will be pleased to behold me attired in the veil that adorned you.Bind. on your arm this bracelet as mark of eternal devotion. As long as you live you shall never know such a night of gladness'."


490. Tariel was now seized by madness; his grief increased and grew violent. “This is the armleb, he groaned, which bound the arm of that maiden”. Then he undid the bracelet, unequalled in value and beauty, Pressed the gem to his lips, and fainted and fell like a corpse.

491. He looked more dead than even a body prepared for burial. His breast was bruised from the beating his fists had inflicted up on it. Asmat scratched her cheeks and the blood flowed profusely in streams. She poured some water upon him, did all to restore him to senses.

492. Avtandil bitterly sighed as he gazed on Tariel with pity. The maiden's tears were redoubled; stoneS by her tears were melted. Then she restored him to consciousness. She quenched his fires with water. “What is my life!”he groaned, “even now fate drinks my life-bloodlt.

493. Pallid and haggard he sat, staring with eyes like one senseless. The rose was no longer crimson but wan and yellow as saffron. Nor did he speak or heed them but sat without moving and silent. He was greatly oppressed that he had remained alive.

494. Then with a groan he said: “Though I am maddened and wretched I shall relate my story and tell you of her who has slain me. Though you know not my loved one yet you befriend and console me. It is a wonder I breathe and live through the anguish I suffer!

495. “The sight of Asmab, he said, “whom I loved as a sister was pleasing. When I had read the letter she gave me the maiden's bracelet. I bound it at once on my arm and took off the veil she asked for, That rare and marvel-wrought veil I had brought from the battle as booty


496. O sunl' I wrote to my loved one, 'your rays have pierced through my being. The firmness of spIrit is gone and my undaunted courage forsakes me. I am maddened and dazzled by your peerless and unrivalled beauty. What can I do in exchange for the life you have kindled within me'

497. “'You have restored me to life, ended the woes I have suffered, FiJled me again with gladness and my soul with undaunted courage. I have received your armlet, in return I send you my mantle How l can I ever express or exhibit my joy as is fittingl

498. 'I send you with gladness, my loved one, the veil you desire as a token, Also the mantle whose like has never been seen by mortal. Come if I swoon and help mel Abandon me not to languishl Whom else have I in this world save you to afford me comfort"

499. “Asmat rose and retired. I lay down and soon fell asleep; Scarce had I closed my eyes when I saw her image before me. But, alas, I awoke, and she vanished. Sorrow returned with the waking. I heard not her voice nor saw her and passed the whole night in sighing”.