The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

350. We crossed the piazza together, we followed the course of the river. At the very door of my dwelling the king turned back and rode bomeward. But misfortune did not desert me, again I was stricken by sickness. Yielding to destiny's malice, I called upon death to relieve me.

351. “My cheeks had grown sallow with weeping, the crystal had turned to saffron. Ten thousand piercing blades cut deeper into my heart. When one day the door-keeper entered, and summoned my treasurer to him. 'What are the tidings'-I wondered. And raised my voice in impatience.

352. “Asmat, the sun-maid's attendant had sent her slave with a letter. 'Let him come in', I commanded. And took from his hands a missive. I broke the seal and perused it. With ever-increasing amazement. A letter of love from Asmatl A thing I had never thought of.

353. What had caused her to love me'? And how had she dared to declare it? I knew I must answer her letter, lest she reproach me for silence. If I should spurn her: I pondered. 'her womanly feelings will suffer'. Therefore I 'Wrote what was fitting, and the slave of Asmat received it.

354. But the flames in my heart blazed higher, the torture was never abated. No"longer I watched the soldiers sporting in plain and arena; I could not attend at the court, physicians crowded my chamber. The votary of the world must pay the world for his pleasures.

355. “The lore of the doctors was useless. They never discovered the furnace Burning within my heart. They thought that my blood was polluted. The king gave orders to bleed me; I consented to still their suspicions. But all their endeavours were vain, they knew not the root of the trouble.

356. After my arm had been bled. the doorkeeper entered my chamber. Told me the slave of Asmat begged to deliver a message. Bid him to enter", I answered. but in my head I reflected:' What is Asmat to me, and how have I earned her favour?"

357. “Again came the slave with a letter. I opened it slowly and read It. Asmat desired to see me. What could I do but obey her? I 'Wrote in reply: 'You have willed it. I shall obey your summons. But I could not recover my spirits, the heart in my bosom was heavy.

358. Thus I admonished my heart: I Am I not Amirbar, king' Have I not subjects in thousands'! What if it came to their knowledge That their ruler languishes vainly and sighs for a treasure forbidden" Would not they rise against me. And cast ma forth from my kingdom?,

359. “A messenger came to my chamber-the king had sent him for tidings. He ordered the doctors to bleed me. but I answered: 'The thing has been done. I have begun to recover. Permit me to bask in your presence. There may the joys of reunion hasten my heart's restoration'.

360. went to the court of the monarch, where Parsadan kindly received me. Saying: 'Have done with your sicknessl' And seated me on a charger. Just as I was. Unarmed. Himself. He mounted beside me. And released the tethered falcons. While all eyes followed their flight.

361. A banquet was held that day for those who returned from the, hunting;' The musicians played 'and the minstrels sang of the prowess of heroes. Parsadan honoured his' guests with presents of matchless jewels, . None went away displeased, I alone was dejected,

362. Nothing could assuage the torture of the thoughts that were burning within me, But I called my friends to the table, and listened, unmoved, to their praises. I ate and drank with the best, to conceal the sorrow that gnawed me, That none should discover my secret, or guess at the cause of my chagrin.

363. “My treasurer stepped to my side, whispered a word in my ear, Saying a lady was waiting, that I would receive her. ' She is veiled: he said, 'but her mien commands the respect of the wise-, I said: 'Lead her in to my chamber. She has come at my bidding',

364. I rose from my seat, and my comrades, seeing me rise, would have followed. But I bade them await my return, promising not to be tardy. I passed tlie slave in the doorway, guarding approach to my chamber, And I entered with shame in my heart for the tryst I would fain have avoided. '

365. I halted, and stood on the threshold, and a woman came forward to meet me. She did me homage, and murmured: 'Blessed the one who is worthy To stand in your presence!' I marveled . Whoever thus greeted a lover! She is a novice in loving, and knows not the part of the woman!"

366. I seated myself on the sofa, but she stood on the edge of the carpet. Judging herself unworthy to sit on the cushiOns beside,me, Why do you hold yourself ,distant.' I asked; 'lf my love you are seekipg" She stood for a moment in silence, as if choosing the words she would utter',

367. “Then answered in tones of abashment: 'This,is the hoor of my shaming”' You have mistaken my purpose, but you have hot prolonged my discomfort; You did not delay in coming, therefore my heart is emboldened, Therefore I crave your patience while I unfold my mission.

368. I shrink from the glance of your eyes,' I know not how 'to address you. Think not the words you have read were written by me, all unworthy! They were the words of my mistress, I come to you at her bidding. Read the letter I bring you, then you will know whom I spoke for