The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

500. “At dawn a messenger came summoning me to the palace. You are commanded,' he said, 'by the king to appear in his presence'. When I arrived at the palace I saw a great council assembled. The king and the queen were smiling and bade me be seated beside them.

501. “'Dear son,' they said to me, 'the Lord has brought evil upon us. We are no longer young; age with its woes is approaching. We have no son, it is true, but the rays of our daughter shine brightly. We regret not nor feel the lack of a son and heir to succeed us.

502. “'But it is time, my Tariel, to think of a husband for Nestan. Where shall we find one worthy to rule the kingdom of India, A hero whose sword would be raised for the welfare and right of the people. So that no foe could invade and ravage our land or destroy us,

503. 'Truly your heart feels the want of a sonl' I said to the King. 'But she who is bright as the sun is endowed with a sovereign's demeanour. Whomsoever you choose as her husband will rejoice and be happy. My lord. What more can I say, my king? You yourselves know what will be fitting'.

504. “So we all counselled together though my heart was weakening within me. 'If the old king of the Khvarazmiam, would give us his son', said Parsadan, "We would be happy indeed. For worthy is he of our daughter. Never on earth has been seen a youth more splendid than he is'.

505. it was apparent to me that all had been settled beforehand. For they stealthily glanced at each other and their words were apparently guarded. Oh. How I longed to speak freely but dared not and sat In deep silence. Gall seemed to burst in my heart as it seethed and burned Into cinders.

506. 'Khvarazmsha,' said her highness, 'is a potent and powerful monarch. Who deserves to be husband to Nestan the princess more than his son” How could I dare to dispute since they themselves desired it! I nodded assent. The day of the doom of my soul was settled.

507. Straightway a message was sent to the far-away realm of Khvarazmsha: 'I who am sovereign of India have no son to succeed me. I have only one daughter, a maiden of unrivalled beauty. We shall be honoured, a King, if you give us your son for our daughter',

508. “The King's envoy returned loaded with silks and rich garments. Khvarazmsha wrote in reply; 'Our hearts rejoice, great sovereign. God has fulfilled our desire, has granted us all that we longed for. No one more worthy, more dear, could we take to our arms as daughter',

509. “Thereat more ..envoys were sent to bring the bridegroom to India. ' Hasten, dear son,' wrote Parsadan, 'We are eager to see you'. In vain I tried to smother my grief in sport and diversion. Sadnesp entered my heart and agony made it a captive;

510. “Then did the sorrow begin which has tortured my life ever since. But I sat proud when a slave entered the room with a message. It was a letter from Asmat. I opened and eagerly read it. 'She who is like an aloe commands you to come before her'.

511. I mounted, went forth to the palace and joyfully entered the garden. Asmat was waiting for me at the foot of the lofty tower. I saw she had wept, for her cheeks were wet and glistened with teardrops. I marvelled at heart but asked not why she was bitterly weeping.


512. “'What is the cause?' I wondered, 'Why is she frowning and gloomy?' Now she no longer smiled as she had whenever she met me. Weeping had strangled her voice. Her tears fell in showers about her. Thereby she healed not my wounds but increased the fever within me.

513. “l knew not what to think of; my thoughts were bewildered and troubled. When we entered the tower she drew aside the rich curtains. But on beholding the moon all confusion of spirit forsook me, Yet I felt not the warmth of her rays though they fell profusely

514. “The rays of the sun no longer blinded or dazzled the eye. Reclining she sat on a couch, attired in her gold and green garments. Carelessly thrown over her head was the veil of gold I had sent her. FasHalling tears were flOWing like dew on a garden of roses.

515. “She crouched like a panther on the edge of rock, her face flashing anger. She was no longer the sun, the moon, or a cypress in Eden. Awed, I sat down at a distance; my heart was pierced by her lances. Then she sat up with a frown on her face and with eyes blazing fury

516. She said: 'Indeed you are bold, else how could you come before mel You who have broken your binding oaths and are fickle and faithless Shall answer for this with your lUe,. Fot Heaven wUl requite you for this'. What can I say when I know not what I have done”I answered.

517. “'If I know riot the truth. What can I answer,' I said. 'What have I said or done to provoke such impassioned anger” What shall I say,' said she, 'to a false and perfidious traitor' Why did I let you deceive me and fall for your treacherous smiles'

518. You know that the prince of the Khvarazmians is being brought here to wed me. You were one of the council. You gave consent to this marriage. Where are the sacred coveriants, the plighted and absolute pledges' O would the Lord forbear to ever fulfil your desires !