The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

405. “Though it befits a woman to be modest before man. Yet it is worse to be silent and keep one's sorrow a secret. Though I outwardly smiled, yet I felt woe growing within me. Therefore I sent you my maid with a letter disclosing my feeling.

406. Love has us both In her net. Let us open our hearts'lo each other. Know that my heart is now yOUl'l; in eternal love and devotion. If, O my love Ideceive you. May God 'cast His curses upon me, Turn me to earth. Nevex: to sit in the nine blessed Heavens:

407. Go now, attack the Khatavlans, invade their marches and, seize them. God grant you slaughter the foe and return rejoicing, triumphant. Can I endure the torture caused by your absence,my loved one' Give me your'heart undivided; take mine for yourself to cherish".

408. I said to her: For your sake I woulld suffer the sharpest of torments. You bad compassion upon me, revived me and ended my anguish. You are the light of my eyes, the sun that illumines my being. I sha ll go forth like a lion, and confound the cursed Khatavians.

409. That you think me worthy of this Is an honour no man deserves. Only from God could such grace be bestowed on a human being. Your rays have flooded my heart and made It translucent and bilght. I shall be yours in devotion till the earth covers my face'.

410. Then on the Book of Oaths we plighted an oath to each other. Solemnly pledging our troth of binding and sacred devotion. She swore as follows: 'Let God deprive me of all I cherish If I relinquish my promise and falsify what I have promised'.

411. Then we discoursed with each other indulging in sweet conversation. We ate delicious fruit and spoke of our love and were happy. But when I rose to depart uncontrollable tears overcaame me, Yet in my heart the bright rays of her face descended and warmed me.

412. It irked me, to leave my beloved, the crystal; enamal and ruby. The world was to be once again a place of delight and rejoicing. The pleasures of life were now mine and the celestial light of the heavens. Truly my heart Is a rock that it bears separation from her.


413. Early next morning I ordered the trumpets and drums to be sounded. Host upon host fully armed stood ready and eager for battle. Then with new ardour and strength we marched towards the enemy's borders. Mounted on swift-footed chargers, an army of valiant warriors.

414. “Just as we came to the marches, a man sent by Ramaz approached us. He was the khan of the district, sent by his king with a message: 'You, Invincible king, are truly a powerful monarch. The goats of your land can devour the fiercest wolves of our country',

415. “Then he laid at my feet an abundance of priceless treasures. 'Do not destroy' us', he 'pleaded, 'have mercy upon us, o sovereign I Lion of lions, we acknowledge your right and submit to your power. Without resistance we will yield ourselves, our children and riches.

416. “'True, we have dared to oppose you, but will you not grant us your pardon' Come with'but few of your warriors to show us a mark of your friendship; Hurl not your armies upon us. Destroy not nor plunder our country. Cities and castles and all we possess we place at your mercy'.

417. I then, assembled my viziers to discuss and take counsel together. 'You are still young', they said, 'Hear then the voice of your elders. Trust not this man for his lord Is perfidious -a seasoned deceiver. We much suspect he is plotting to seize you and plunge us in sorrow',

418. I was counselled to do as follows: 'Go forward with a few of your warriors, But let an army of soldiers follow close behind you'. I was to trust the foe' if they solemnly swore to be loyal. If not, 'I was told, to pour my wrath and heaven's upon them.

419. This was my answer: 'King Ramaz, I gladly accept your proposal. Wise is your choice. We come not to seize your forts or your cities, To dwell in your country as conquerors, to seize and hold you in thraldom. I shall approach you alone leaving my armies behind me.'

420. I took three hundred soldiers with me, good, brave Warriors. And left behind me my army, but said before I left them: 'Follow me wherever! Go over the fields and roads, March closely behind me; come to my help if I 'need you',

421. “After a three days' journey another envoy approached us. Making obeisance he placed magnificent raiment before me. Saying: 'King Ramaz awaits you, o proud and illustrious monarch. Eagerly longs for the hour to pay his respects and homage'.

422. “These are his words: 'O sovereign. Hear me. And hearing, believe me! Great'is my longing to see you, therefore I hasten to meet you!' Straightway I answered the envoy: 'Gladly I hear the king's message. Tell him I hasten towards him, we shall meet like a son and a father'.

423. “Then we continued our way till we came to the edge of a forest Where once again we were met by messengers bearing rich presents, Jewels and treasures and horses, surpassing all others in beauty. ' Matchless monarch!' they cried, 'Kings would desire to behold you',