The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

273. Asmat replied: “Be not angry with me for speaking so boldlY. God, as you see, has made me your companion and comrade in sorrow. You have afflicted yourself. Overstepped all limits of reason. Now I shall speak to you frankly, so listen to me and my counsel

274. Puzzled, he said to the maiden: d know not what you desire. Can I without God create a man who would faithfully serve me? My lot is to yield to fate and submit to Heaven's decree. True, I resemble a beast roaming the forests, my sIster”.

275. She said: cNodoubt I bave vexed you, my brother, with overmuch counsel. But if I find such a man who would come and willingly serve you, One who would render you aid, one you can love and confide in, Will you swear and give me your promise not to offend or slay him"

276. Tariel answered: eMy sister. great will my joy be to see him, I swear by the love of that maiden for whose sake I wander thus maddened That I shall welcome him warmly and do nothing to injure or vex him. I shall be pleasant and cordial and receive him as one would a brother.


277. Whereat she rose at his words, went to the youth in the cavern. “He is not angry., she whispered, ecome, he is waiting to meet you-. She led him by the hand and he seemed the moon in its glory. When Avtandil stood before him, “Truly a sun!:. Thought Tariel.

278. Tariel stepped forward to greet him. Bright like two suns was their brilliance; Or as the moon that scatters its beams on the meadow beneath it. Compared with their beauty even the cypress was of no worth. Seven bright suns of heaven! To what else could one liken these heroesl

279. Then the two kissed one another and heart clung to heart in affection. Tears glowed on sweet-scented roses, pearls scattered flashes of lightning. Clasped in each other's arms they sighed and lamented together. Now did the jacinth worth rubies turn to the colour of amber.

280. Tariel took Avtandil's hand and seated him down beside him, Deeply affected, they wept, shedding hot tears in silence. Asmat in eloquent language calmed them, and pleaded as foHows: “Slay not yourselves, o lions, eclipse not the sun with your weeping:..

281. Tariel's rose was not frozen but only covered with hoarfrost. “Tell me your story:., he pleaded, dor I am eager to know it. Where have you come from' Tell me, what do you seek in this forest? Now as for me, woe is mel even death has forgotten about me).

282. At which Avtandil answered in soothing, yet eloquent phrases: “You are an .unequalled hero, fierce as a lion, yet gentle. I am an Arabian vassal, come from the court of Arabia. Love has completely enslaved me; unquenchable fire consumes me.

283. I love the fair daughter of Rostevan, monarch and lord of Arabia. She is acknowledged the sovereign. Is esteemed and loved by her sUbjects. Strange you may think It, Tarlel. When I tell you I have beheld you Try to remember the day you slaughtered an army of soldiers.

284. While we were hunting we saw you weeping beside a stream. The king was angry with you for you disregarded his order, And did not come to his summons. So we sent soldiers to take you. But you dyed the field and valley red with the blood of the soldiers.

285. “You cut off the heads of our men with a slashing whip you carried. But when you saw the monarch riding behind you you vanished, Disappeared like a phantom or Kaji leaving no trace behind you. We were enraged, yet you left us completely stunned and bewildered.

286. “Kings have their humours, you know, so my lord became pale and gloomy. Men were sent out but no trace could be found of the course you had taken. Nowhere throughout the whole world could we find a soul who had seen you. She who competes with the sun has sent me abroad to find you.

287. “She said to me: 'My beloved, bring me some news of that horseman. Then shall the wish of your heart and all You desire be granted'. Three years have passed since then in this quest. three years. of weeping. Do you not marvel I live, or how I endure her absence?

288. I have met no one till now who has heard of or ever beheld you. By chance I encountered some Turks who had spoken to you so rudely That with your whip you smote them and one fell mortally wounded. They told me of all that had happened. From them I learned about YOID.

289. Tariel remembered the day he had slain King Rostevan's soldiers. “Though it occurred long ago, I well recall how it happened. Yes, I remember you also, you and your master were hunting. I, by the side of the stream, was weeping for her who consumes me.

290. What did you want of me then' We were strangers. We knew not each other. While I was weeping alone, you were merrily sporting and hunting, Yet you set your soldiers upon me, giving them orders to seize me. Instead of capturing me it was you who bore off the corpses.

291. When I looked back and beheld the sovereign riding behind me I pitied his lordship and therefore laid not my hands upon him. So without saying a word I at once rode away and vanished. Vanishedl No other word can describe the speed of my cou rser.