The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

156. “Announce my death to our sovereign. Who else would dare to do it? Say: 'He has followed the path that every mortal must travel'. Give to the poor my treasure -gold, silver and copper, This is the only service I ask of your loyal friendship.

157. “Thus shall you render me service, thus shall you prove your friendship. Think of me sometimes, forget not the happy days of our childhood. Do not neglect the funeral rites, breathe a prayer for my spirit. Keen for me but a while. As a mother mourns for her infanb.

158. Shermadin listened alarmed and the tears dropped like pearls from his eyelids. How can your servant be merry'“he cried, “when deprived of your presence? I see you will not remain, so I shall not detain you. As you have resolved to depart can I restrain you from going!'

159. “Why do you make me rule over your far-flung kingdom' Can I fill a post so lofty, emulate you in your greatness'!' Rather were the grave my cradle, than that you should travel alone. Let us both steal forth together; take me with you in your service”.

160. Avtandil said: “Now I will tell you the truth of this matter: Solitude favours the lover pursuing the will of his mistress. None shall attain the pearl who shrinks from the arduous struggle. An evil and treacherous man should be pierced through the heart with a lance.

161. “Whom could I trust with my secret but you who will never betray it? Whom can I leave to replace me, when I am far from my kingdom? Strengthen my forts and my marches, let not the enemy enter. Perchance the Creator will bring me safe home after sore tribulations.


162. “Hazard may kill or destroy equally one or a hundred. Solitude loses its terrors when heavenly hosts protect us. If I am not back in three years, mourn for the death of your ruler. Now I wlll write to my vassals that they should accept your dominion”.

163. Avtandil wrote as follows: “My valssalsl My teachers! My disciples! Faithful, trusty and tried, swift to fulfil my least wishes! Gather and hear the epistle I leave behind for your guidance, Heed the message. I leave you, my faithful and loyal vassalsl

164. I, Avtandil, who am less than the earth beneath your feet I Write this letter to you before I set out on my journey. Now for a while I will leave, turn from the banquet and music, Trusting for bread and meat to the skill of my thumb on the crossbow.

165. “Mine is a hazardous mission over trackless, unvisited plains. None come to bear me company, year after year I must wander. Only one thing I entreat you, let not the foe draw nearer, Let me come back to a kingdom as safe and intact as I left it.

166. I have appointed Shermadin to rule over you in my absence, He will shed lustre upon you, bright as the sun in the heavens. Whether I live or die, the rose shall be saved from the mildew. And the planner of mischief shall tremble, and melt like wax in the sunlight.

167. You have all witnessed our friendship, and know we were brought up together. Therefore. Fulfil his commandments. As if it were AvtandiI speaking. The trumpets shall sound:at his bidding. His word shall be law in my absence; If I come not when I have promised, dirges shall silence your laughten.

168. Avtandil finished the letter with lovingly-phrased admonitions. Buckled his glittering girdle. Attired himself for the journey. His soldiers were ranged before him. But he would not permit them to follow. He cried. I will mount In the plain!and strode from the council chamber.

169. You must go henceI he commanded. D need no one to help ma. The vassals. Too. He dismissed, and galloped away through the rushes. He could not dismiSS in like manner the thoughts of the maiden he worshipped. Tinatin's image pursued him, he could not escape from his passion

170. Over the country he galloped, far from the sight of his soldiers, But his sword in its scabbard hung powerless, his arm was deprived of its vigout” For Avtandil carried a burden that weighed on his health and spirits, The burden of loving and grieving, for Tinatin's sake, whom he worshipped

171. None could discover his traces, their efforts were all unavailing. Over meadow and. valley they sought him, spurring their steeds to the utmost. But the vanished horse and its rider were gone like mist from the mountain. Baffled, the soldiers and vassals returned In silence and sorrow.

172. Whom can the Lord”they lamented, cput in your place. O lion They searched in every direction for some trace or even a rumour, But not a mark could they find of the course their master had taken. Thus his disheartened hosts returned disappointed and weary.

173. Shermadin summoned before him vassals and nobles and captains; He showed them Avtandil's letter and told them the message it carried. Smiting their breasts and stamping, they stood amazed and heart-pierced. Tears filled the eyes of the bravest and the hearts of the fiercest were

174. Then all exclaimed: dn his absence, both duty and sport will be joyless., Yet is there none but yourself able to rule his dominion. We sball acknowledge your power, we shall obey your commandments, Till he returns to his kingdom, you shall be lord over all.