The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

194. Taking his bow and arrow he rose and went forward to meet them. Two elderly men were supporting and leading a beardless stripling. The head of the youth was wounded, and from loss of blood he had fainted. He was so pale and enfeebled that the men wept

195. Avtandil called: “Who are youf I took you for brigands, my brothers, “Fear not, they answered. “but help us, extinguish the fires that consume us. Render us aid, if you can; if not. Afford us your pity. Add your grief to our grief and make it as one with

196. Avtandil quickly approached and asked them the cause of their weeping. “We are three brothers,., they answered.Sorrow has fallen upon us,. Weeping and inwardly groaning the men narrated their story, “In the far realm of Cathay we are lords of a fortified city

197. “Once we were told of a region where there were beasts in abundance So we went forth with our soldiers till we came to a stream near a forest. We know of no other region so delightful for hunting as this one. For a month we enjoyed good sport, slaughtering beasts without

198. “We three who are foremost in hunting shamed even the best of our archers. Gaily we wrangled and sported, competed with one another. We vied with each other. Declaring: 'Not you but I shoot the better', No one could let fly a swift arrow as truly and deftly as we could

199. “This morning we loaded our soldiers with deer-skins and sent them away. We said: 'Let us judge among us who is most skilful at shooting', So we remained alone eager to exhibit our prowess, Needing no eye to be witness or to judge who excelled as marksman.

200. “only three bearers of armour did we take along to attend us. The rest of our host we dismissed, suspecting and fearing no danger. Then with loud shouts and laughter we traversed vast plains and valleys. Slaughtering beasts in great numbers and the birds that flew

201. “Suddenly while we were hunting there appeared before us a horseman. Gloomy and sullen of visage, seated upon a black stallion. We were astonished to see him attired in the skin of a panther. But to describe him is vain for beauty like his has no equal!

202. “We scarce could support the brightness that shone from the lustre he scattered. Awed and amazed we exelaimed: 'The sun is on earth. not in heavenl' But we were daring and reckless and hastened forward to seize him. This is the cause of our grief. The unrestrained tears we are shedding

203. I, as the eldest, wanted to leave the stranger alone, But the younger had set his eyes on the raven-black horse as a keepsake. We granted the youngest his wish to engage the stranger in combat. Then we went towards the knight who approached us, calm in his beauty.

204. His cheeks of pale rose were embellished by glowing crystal and ruby. He rode on in deep meditation and seemed not to see us approaching; He paid no heed when we shouted but calmly and proudly rode onwards. But when we shouted again he turned round upon us in fury.

205. “We elders kept back and the youngest advanced and made for the stranger. ' Stand' he cried loudly, 'Stand!' and stretched lout his hand to restrain him. The knight had no sword so we halted and watched our brother engage him. But with the swiftness of lightning he fell with his whip on our brother.

206. “He let his whip fall on our brother who fell deprived of his senses. Blood ljtreamed from his wound and crimsoned the meadow around him. He who had been audacious was now prostrated and humbled. Meanwhile that youth rode away lofty and proud in his beauty.

207. He went on his way never stopping. Majestic and stately in movement”. “Lookl. They suddenly shouted. “there is the sun in its brightness). Weeping. They pointed him out -Ii horseman far off in the distance. Where they beheld the sun borne by a raven-black stallion.

208. Avtandil's cheeks were no longer covered with unmelted snows: God had not doomed all his labours but had answared his heart's beseechings. When the wish of a man is fulfilled and he finds the thing he has searched for, He should cease from weeping and no longer brood on past sorrows.

209. “Brothers”he said, I have wandered from country to country to find him. For him I have left my kingdom, for him I have left my kinsmen. Now but for you I had lost all hope of finding him ever. May the great God preserve you from all future troubles and sorrows.

210. “As God put an end to my sorrows and befriended my cause and fulfilled it, So may the Lord aid your brother and heal his wounds and restore hilm. Avtandil mounted his stallion and said as he showed them his refuge: Go, find repose in that shelter, refresh and recover your sp lrits.

211. Then he set spurs to his courser and galloped away with the swiftness Of the wild hawk that flies upward unhindared by string or by jesses, Or like the moon that hastens to meet the glorious sunset. The torturing fires that had burned him were now asslaged and extinguished.

212. As Avtandil drew near the horseman, he considered what course he should follow. Hasty, ill-chosen phrases, enrage a madman but further. A man with a quest to fulfil must be cautious of word and of action, Must never lose presence of mind but curb his fire and ba pa tien t.

213. “Since that strange youth is so maddened that he suffers no man to approach him, We would meet but to slay one another if I atte:npt to go near him. We would engage in a combat, where one would indeed kiJI the other. And what good would his death do me?, he com:nuned with hImself as he journeyed.