The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

558. I swear by your head, that this is not just, o illustrious monarch! . You, have no son to succeed you, only one beautiful daughter. If you appointed Khvarazmsha king, then what of my heritage' While I can strike with my sword none other will rule over Indial!

559. No, I desire not your daughter. Marry her, rid me of her. The kingdom of India is mine, to none will I yield or resign it. Woe to him who endeavours to hold the imperial sceptre! I shall defy him alone. I Deed no one to help me, by Heaven!,


560. I could learn nothing of Nestan. And my mind was distracted with grieving; From a wall overlooking the plain. Built as a look-out for sentries. I, love's sentinel lonely, thoughtfully scanned the horizon, Till I observed, approaching, flgures of terrible Import.

561. They seemed to be mistress and slave. And as they drew nearer. I knew them. The woman was Nestan's attendant. Asmat herself. And no otherl! With tresses unkempt and dishevelled. And blood on her cheeks and her forehead. She did not respond to my greeting. No smile illumined her features

562. The spectacle drove me to frenzy.'What has happened”I marvelled. Why has this fire consumed us, Tell me the truth. I Implore youl" Asmat could scarcely utter a word for the sobs that choked her. She moaned: 'The hand of the Maker has loosened thunder upon usl

563. Over and over. I asked her: 'What is the cause of your weeping' But her tears only flowed the faster, as if her grief were redoubled. She tried to reply to my question. But never a word could she utter. Her bosom waS crimsoned over with the blood that flowed from her features.

564. At last she spoke: 'I will tell youl Wherefore should I conceal itt And you shall repay with mercy as great as your joy from the tidings! Help me to die, I beseech you! This is the kindness you owe mel Grant the one blessing I crave for. Why should I live but to suffer?

565. After you slew the bridegroom. The alarm was raised In the palace. The king leapt up in his anger and ordered his vassals to find you. Vainly they scoured the precincts and sought for you In your dwelling. But none could come on your traces, and the wrath of the king grew stronger.

566. 'He has escaped us', they told him. 'He has hidden beyond our borders.' Well do I know', said tbe monarch. 'why he has fled from our presence. He gazed at my daughter and loved her. And she bas returned his gazitJg. For this he shed blood in the field. For this he has fled our displeasure.

567. Now by my head I will slay bert the one who is known as my sister. She has lured by spells from the devil my daughter, my only treasure. What have those cursed lovers given or promised to pay her' If I should leave her alive. May God turn His coun tenance from me!

568. Seldom the king took an oath. And when he did. He fulfilled it. But the oath of a monarch has wings and flies from palace to hovel. Someone had whispered to Davar the wrath of her brother against her. Or she divined it herself through the subtle spells of her magic.

569. “'She knew that his faithful vassals would honour the oath of the master. In the face of the mighty Creator she vowed she had done no evil. "Let but the people know', she cried, 'the name of my slayer I And tbe name of her for whose sake I am delivered to vengeancel'

570. Nestan was stili as lovely as she was on the day you departed. Her head was draped in your veil, and well did its folds become her. But the sorceress Davar reviled her, in words whose meaning she knew not: Harlotl Why should you slay me? Do not think you will go unscathed

571. Wanton, harlot. whore, you have caused the death of your brldegrooml Why should I pay with my blood for that which you made blm accomplishl You shall never again see him who kUled a man for your pleasure! Come. I will show you my power. You shall taste of the woe you inflicted'.

572. 'The sorceress fell on my mistress, scratching and beating and kicking. Tearing her hair from Its roots. And Nestan was silent and helpless; Only weeping and moaning, she bowed her head to the torture; None could deliver the victim from the evil powers of darkness

573. Sated with beating and bruising. the evil one called to her servants, Two came. of villainous aspect. bearing a clumsy palanquin; Wlth insolent gestures they seized her, thrusting her in its recesses. Thus was she taken a captive and carried away from my vision

574. They lifted their helpless burden and made for the road to the ocean. And Davar said: 'All is over. For the deed I have done I must perish. Parsadan will kill me, I know, so why should I wait till he comeS” Then she struck at her heart with a dagger. And fell like a stone in her life-blood

575. 'Do you not marvel to see me. Living and breathing before you. I, who have witnessed horrors. Sufficient to slay the strongest' Deal with me as the bearer of evil tidings is dealt with! Deliver me from the anguish of living in ceaseless sorrow!

576. You have done nothing. My Sister, to merit chastisemen. I answered. 'Why should I take your life' My task is now, dear Asma!. To find the way to'repay the debt I owe to the sun-maid. I will seek her the wide world over, wherever are rock and water.'