The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

136. They sat on in joyous discourse, and when they desisted from speaking, The ruby red of their faces, the jet of their blazing eyes, Spoke what they dared not whisper. Avtandil cried: You mortals Who gaze on your face are maddened! My heart is consumed to asheS.

137. Avtandil rose to depart, but the farewell pang was a torture; Ever his eyes turned backward to gaze at his love yet again. The rose of his cheek grew pallid, soaked in the tears of the lover. His slender form swayed like an aspen. He was leaving his heart behind him.

138. He sighed: “0 sun of my being, to part with you is destruction. Crystal and ruby desert me, my cheeks are as sallow as amber. How, then, shall I endure a weary, endless absence? I will embrace the device: Death for the loved one is fitting”.

139. He lay on his couch and lamented, his pillow was wet from his weeping, His limbs were shaken by tremors, like aspen-leaves in a tempest. Till, falling asleep from exhaustion, he dreamed his .beloved was near him. And the waking was still more bitter than the grief of the first separation.

140. His tears lay like pearls upon roses, till his cheeks appeared fairer than ever. But at daybreak, attired in apparel befitting his rank and his person, He called for his charger and mounted, and rode to the court of his master. Determined to seek the king's sanction to go on the mission he purposed.

141. And to the king he delivered a loyal and resolute message: “0 King! I have come to inform you of what I desire to accomplish: You have conquered the earth with your armies; now, if you judge it is prudent Give me your leave to roam freely over the world with these tidings.

142. “I will go forth and do battle with those who ravage your marches, Pierce your foes to the heart by announcing the sun-maid' s accession, Those who obey shall rejoice, the unruly shall weep and be humbled. I will send gifts in abundance and greetings from far-distant countries.”

143. Then the king said in great gladness: “Strengthen your limbs, O lion, Your counsel can only be equalled by the matchless flame of your valour. Expend your strength in battle, your wits in the council chamber. Go then! But what shall I do? How can I bear your absence”

144. Bowing, Avtandil answered: Your praises abash me, my master. Now perchance the Almighty will grant my humble petition That I may see once again a smile of JOY on your visage, To soften the pangs of departure and send me in peace on my journey.

145. Rostevan hung on his neck, embracing him like a father; Never before was beheld such grace in both ruler and subject. Avtandil rose like a man who proudly departs on a mission, Rostevan, wise and compassionate, wept and mourned his departure.

146. Avtandil started his journey, fearless and noble of bearing, Full twenty days he rode onward, seldom reposing or sleeping. His thoughts were always of Tinatin, she his reward and his treasure; She was the essence of life, the joy of the world, its jewel.

147. Avtandil journeyed on quickly till he came to the realm of his father's; His noblest subjects received him with loud rejoicings and presents. They had repined for their prince. And now they beheld him before them; They met him with sounds of music, with the drums and cymbals of welcome.

148. Three days and three nights he rested in his mighty town in the marches, An unmortared wall of rock that struck fear in the heart of the foe. Three days he took his pleasure, then summoned his favourite vassal, Shermadin, into his chamber, to sit in council with him.

149. “Shermadin!”Avtandil said, d stand guilty before you. You are versed in my affairs, but I have hidden my tears from you. Long have I kept them secret, but now they are turned to rejoicing. I have found in the source of my sorrows solace and hope for the futuIf.

150. I languished for Tinatln's love, but now the fragrant narcissus Has shed warm tears on the rose leaves, melting their frozen despair. I could not reveal my distraction even to you, my dear comrade; But now she has bidden me hope, 1 may speak with you fully and frankly.

151. “She has sint me to search for news of the stranger knight who vanished, And said that when 1 return, my heart's desire should be compassed. She said I should be her husband, she told me she loved me truly, Into my angUished bosom she poured the balm of her kindness.

152. “Therefore as Tinatin's lover my Wish is to serve my beloved: Next, as Rostevan's vassal, lowe him allegiance and fealty. And now that my heart is appeased by the one who kindled its tortures. I will not bend to misfortune, 1 will meet it with unflinching courage.

153. “.Never have master and vassal loved one another as we do. Therefore, Shermadin, hear me; give heed to my words, I entreat you. I appoint you chief in my stead over all my armies, To you alone I entrust the onerous cares of my kingdom.

154. “Lead forth my soldiers to battle, rule my nobles and people, Send out your envoys to court and learn the state of affairs, Write letters in my stead, send priceless gifts to the king. Why should all know I am goneP Let none be aware of my absence.

155. “Replace me in all my affairs, in the state, in the chase, in the army, Wait for me three years, and keep what I told you a secret. If I return you shall see me, like a cypress planted in Eden, But if I never return, restrain not your tears but lament me.