The knight in the panther's skin, 1979

97. Long and vainly they sought for the prints of his horse's hooves; He had vanished from sight like a Devil, leaving no trace behind. The soldiers mourned for the dead and bound the survivors wounds. "Well may I grieve”, said the king. “Behold, the cause of my sorrow!

98. “God would not suffer me longer to delight in the joys I possessed. Therefore he turned all the sweet of my Joy to gall and wormwood. Fate has decreed me grieve and burdened my heart with sorrow. I am wounded unto death. Such is his will and desire”.

99. Thus spoke the king, and returned, lost in thought to the palace. Hunters abondoned the chase. None was called to the lists. Plaudits and laughter were silenced, groans were mingled with weepig. "The king is right”, said some, others butcalled upon God.

100. Rostevan entered his chamber, his countenance mournful and frowning. Avtandil watched like a son that none but himself should follow. The household servants retired; silenced were sounds of music, The clicking of castanets, the plaintive twang of tbe harp-string,s.

101. Up to her father's door came Tlnatin, she, the sun's rival, Asked of the chamberlain: cIs my father asleep or awake'“ “He sleeps nob, the chamberlain said. “He is heavy with brooding and mourning. Pale is his cheek from grief, and anger has clouded his eye.

102. Avtandil, he alone, keeps his vigil beside him. The cause of their gloom is a stranger, scarcely beheld but he vanished'. Tinatin said: I will go. I will not intrude on his sorrow. Say 'She was here but now!' should my royal father require me,.

103. The hours passed slowly by, till the king enquired of his servants: “Where is my only solace, my jewel, my heart's blood, my daughter” The chamberlain answered: “She came, she was here but now at the door. She would not intrude on your sorrow, but will straightway come at your calb.

104. “Send for hen, Rostevan ordered. How can I live without her ,Say to her: Why did you go, who are the life of your father You alone have the balm to soothe the wound in my bosom. I shall unburden my heart and tell you the cause of my sorrow,.

105. Tinatin went to her father, swift to obey his bidding, Like the full moon in heaven was the light of her radiant features. Rostevan placed her beside him and asked as he tenderly kissed her: Why did you tarry, my daughter Where you awaiting my summons!”

106. Tinatin answered: “O King, they told me your visage was darkened; How could I brave your frowns when even the lights in the heavens Are dimmed by your discontent'? But now let us seek for some means To put an end to your troubles. That would be better than grieving”.

107. Rostevan said: cI am heartsick; and yet your presence revives me. With you beside me, my sorrows vanish like clouds in the sunlight. Come then, I will relate what has occasioned my sadness. When you know what has passed, surely you will not blame me.

108. I came on a comely youth, whose beauty illumined the heavens; He wept and refused to say what was the cause of his anguish. He did not come when I called him, so I was greatly vexed, And in my fury commanded my men to seize him at once.

109. “He mounted his horse when he saw me and wiped the tears from his eyes. I commanded that he must be seized but he struck down and slaughtered my soldiers, Then like a spirit he vanished as though the earth had engulfed him. And to this hour I know not if he was man or phantom.

110. wonder, what has happeneM How was it and what have I seen' The warriors he slew are countless and the blood he spilled flowed in torrents. Only a fiend or a spirit immortal could vanish as he did. Alas! All the mercies of God are bitterness now to my soul.

111. Qod's tender mercies, alas, have become so painfully bitter! I have forgotten the joys that were mine, so wretched am I. There is no man on earth in whom I can find consolation. My days may be long yet my heart will never rejoice or be happy”.

112. Tinatin said: eMy father, listen to me, I entreat you. Why deplore your fate with sighs and groans unavailing' Why accuse the Almighty, Creator of earth and of Heaven' Why should the Father of men, the Creator of good make evil?

113. Hear me. You are a ruler of kings, a monarch of monarchs. Wide are your far-flung borders, the might of your power is boundless. Send envoys abroad; bid them seek news of the stranger. Soon you will know if that youth was a man or an evil spirit”.

114. Men were sent forth by the king to the four corners of heaven. “Go to the end of the world”, Rostevan said, “if needs be. Spare neither trouble nor time. Do all in your power to find him. Everywhere spread the tale, send letters to distant regionS.”

115. So they set out in quest, roving for more than a year. Seeking, enquiring, they travelled over land and many an ocean. But they found not a soul who had heard of the youth Or had seen him. So they returned with a void in their hearts, disappointed and wearied.

116. The messengers said: “0 King, we have roamed both by land and by water, Yet we have found no trace of the youth you desire to discover. None of God's creatures has seen him, we bring not tidings or traces. Fain would we serve but we know not how to deserve your favour”.