The Man in the Panther's Skin, 1912

1397. The three split up into three, one for each gate; with them they had three hundred men all equal to heroes. That night they hastily made a reconnaissance, not illusory. Day dawned, they appeared, they set forth, they each had his shield.

1398. First they went quietly in the guise of some travellers; those inside could not perceive, they could not meet them alertly, they had no fear in their hearts, quietly they stood at ease. They approached; for the time being they covered over their helmets.

1399. Suddenly they spurred their horses, their whips swished. When they saw, they opened the gates, a tumult came forth from the city. The three set out in three different directions, thus risking their lives (?). They played on fifes and drums; they made the trumpets sound shrill.'

1400. Then the measureless wrath of God struck Kadjet’hi. Cronos, looking down in anger, removed the sweetness of the sun; to them (the Kadjis) also in wrath turned round the wheel and circle of heaven. The fields could not contain the corpses; the army of the dead was increasing.

1401. The sound of Tariel's mighty voice made men unwounded faint, herent the armour, the strength of the chain-mail was brought to nought;they attacked the gates on three sides, they found no difficulty in cutting them down; when they entered the city they began swiftly to destroy the castle.

1402. Avt’handil and the lion P’hridon met inside, they had wholly destroyed the enemy, whose blood flowed in streams; they shouted and saw each other, they rejoicedgreatly; they said: "How goeth it with Tariel?" Their eyes roved round seeking him.

1403. None of them knew; they could hear nought of Tariel. They wended to the castle gate, no care had they for the foe; there they saw a bank of armour, shattered chips of sword-blades, the ten thousand guards lifeless, like dust.

1404. All the castle guard lay like sick men, every one wounded from head to foot, their armour rent in pieces, the castle gates open, the fragments of the gates flung aside. They recognized Tariel's handiwork, they said: "This is his doing."

1405. They found the roads prepared, they entered and crept up the passages; they saw: the moon was freed from the serpent to meet the suns; he raised his helmet, his reedy hair thrown back became him (well), breast was glued to breast, neck was riveted to neck.

1406. They (Nestan and Tariel) embraced each other, they kissed and shed tears; they were like when Musht’har and Zual are united. When the sun surrounds the rose they become fair and reflect the rays. They that have hitherto seen griefs will henceforth rejoice.

1407. They kissed each other, they stood neck-welded; again full oft they glued the roses of the opened lips. Now those also (Avt’handil and P’hridon) came forth, the three sworn brothers were gathered together; they gave greeting to that sun, they presented themselves as they were called on.

1408. The sun (Nestan) met them with lovely, laughing face, the proud one kissed her helpers with gentle mien, she humbly gave them thanks with dainty words; both together talked with fair discourse.

1409. They greeted Tariel too, that tree like an aloe sapling, they wished him joy of the victory, they asked news of one another; it irked them not, they regretted not, for their armour had not failed them; they themselves had quit themselves as lions, those that fought againstthem had been as hinds and goats.

1410. Out of the three hundred men, a hundred and sixty came in with them; it grieves P’hridon for his troops, but on the other hand he rejoiced; they sought out and suffered not to live whatever adversaries were left. What treasures they found, now how can their number be told!

1411. They collected mules, camels, whatever they could find that was swift, they loaded three thousand with pearls and gems, every gem cut, jacinths and rubies; they placed that sun in a palanquin, precautions are taken by them.

1412. They appointed sixty men to guard the castle of Kadjet’hi. They led away that sun–hard would it be to ravish her from them- -they set out for the City of the Seas, though long is the way thither. They said: "We must see P’hatman; we owe her a due recompense."


1413. To the presence of the King of the Seas he sent a messenger (of good tidings); he bade him announce: "I, Tariel, come, vanquisher of foes, their destroyer and slayer; from Kadjet’hi I bring my sun, piercer of me with arrows; I desire to see thee with honour, as father and parent.

1414. "Now I have the land of the Kadjis and their hoards. O king, all that is good hath happened to me from you: my sun was freed by P’hatman, she was a mother and a sister to her. What can I give thee in return for this? I hate vain promises.

1415. "Come, see us before we have passed thy land. I present to thee outright the kingdom of the Kadjis, accept it from me; let thy men be posted there, hold the castle strongly. I am in haste, I cannot come to see thee, come thou forth, wend towards me.