The Knight in the Tiger's Skin, 1938

370. "My treasurer of the household whispered in mine ear: 'A certain woman asks if she can see the Amirbar; veils cover her face, (which is) worthy of the praise of the wise. I replied: 'Take her to my chamber; she is invited by me.'

371. "I rose up; those sitting at the banquet prepared to depart. 'By your leave!' said I, 'do not rise; I shall not tarry long.' I went forth and entered the chamber, a slave stood on guard at the door, I nerved my heart to suffer shame.

372. "I halted at the door; the woman came forward to meet me and did me homage. She said to me: 'Blessed is he whoever is worthy to come before thee!' I marvelled; whoever saluted a lover? I thought: 'She knows not how to make love; even if she knew she sits quiet.'

373. “I entered set down on the sofa, she came to the edge of the carpet, not daring to sit near me for she did not judge herself worthy. I said:’ Why do you remain there when you are seeking for my love? The maiden answered nothing , she was calculating her words.

374. "She said to me: 'This day makes my heart to burn with a flame of shame. Thou thinkest I came hither to thee for that (purpose), but I find cause for hope in the fact that I have not waited long for thee; since I am worthy of this (attention) I cannot say that God's mercy has failed me.'

375. "She rose; she said to me: 'I am commanded to inquire after thee by one who is bashful of thee. Suspect me not of what has been said by command of my mistress; such great boldness is in order to please her heart. This letter will tell thee for whom I speak.'


376. "I saw the letter; it was from her for whom fire consumes my heart. The sunbeam wrote: 'O lion! let not thy wound appear. I am thine. Die not, but I hate vain fainting. Now Asmat’h tells thee all that is spoken by me.

377. "'Pitiful fainting and dying, what love dost thou think this! It is better to exhibit to the beloved deeds of heroism. All dwellers in Khatavet’hi are our tributaries; now their ill-will towards us cannot be borne by us.

378. "'I was desirous to wed thee even before, but hitherto I have not found opportunity to speak. The other day I saw thee deprived of reason sitting in the litter; then I heard all that had befallen thee.

379. "'I will tell thee truth; hearken to this that I say to thee: Go, do battle with the Khatavians, exhibit thyself to me in a goodly manner, this is better for thee. Weep idly no more; why moisten more the rose! What more can the sun do to thee! Behold, I have turned thy darkness to


380. “Asmat’h spoke to me boldly, she was not timid. What can I tell of myself, who I was, how can I estimate my joy? My heart was beating, trembled, it failed me, my face became crystal again, rubies flamed in my cheeks

381. "With mine eyes I gazed upon the letter written by her. I wrote in answer: 'O moon, how indeed can the sun surpass thee! May God not give me that which is not like thee! I feel as in a dream; I cannot believe in my survival.'

382. "I said to Asmat’h: 'I cannot devise more answer than this. Say thus to her: O sun! since thou art arisen as a light for me, behold thou hast quickened me (who was) dead; I shall faint no more henceforth, whatever be the service I am a liar if I shun it.'

383. "Asmat’h said to me: 'She told me: Let us do thus, thus were it better: Whoever sees thee will discover nothing of my discourse with him; he will come to see me as if he were making love to thee. She entreated me to tell the Amirbar so to behave.'

384. "This counsel pleased me, the wisdom of the heart of her whom even the sun took care not to gaze on; she had given to me to hear the refined conversation of her in whose rays daylight was like darkness.

385. "I gave Asmat’h choice jewels with a golden cup. She said to me: 'No. I do not want them; I have these to satiety.' She took one ringweighing a drachmas; 'this is enough for a token; I am full of other racelets.'

386. "The maid arose and went forth. The spears spared my heart, joy lightened my darkness, the fire which had burned me was extinguished. I went in and sat down at the banquet where my comrades were drinking; joyful, I distributed gifts, the jubilation increased.