The Man in the Panther's Skin, 1912

138. He said to himself: "O sun, separation from thee is thus early manifested on the rose; my crystal and ruby have faded, I am become yellower than amber. What shall I do, then, when I cannot see thee for a long time? This shall be my law: death for the beloved is fitting.

139. He lay down on his bed, he weeps, it is difficult for him to wipe away the tears, he shivered and swayed, like an aspen in the wind; when he fell into a slumber he dreamed his beloved was near, he starts, he cries out loud, his suffering increases twentyfold.

140. Separation from his beloved made him jealous. Tears like pearls were shed upon the rose, making it tender. When day dawned he apparelledhimself, fair to look upon; he mounted his horse, set out, and came to court for an audience.

141. He sent a chamberlain into the hall of audience with a message from him to the king, saying: "O king, I venture to tell you what I have thought: all the face of the earth is subjected to you by your sword; now, if it be better, I shall make known these tidings to all the vicinage.

142. "I will go, I shall travel, I shall wage war, I shall go the rounds of the marches, I shall, by piercing the heart of your enemies, announce T’hinat’hin's accession; I shall cause the obedient to rejoice, the disobedient will I make to weep, I shall send you gifts incessantly, I shall not be sparing of greeting."

143. The king expressed his great gratitude; he said: "O lion, stretching thine arm in battle irks thee not. Behold, this thy counsel is matched by thy valour. Thou mayst go, but what shall I do if it happen that thou tarry long?"

144. The knight came in; he did homage, and spoke some words of thanks: "O monarch, I wonder that you should deign to praise me. Now God will perchance lighten for me the darkness of separation, and let me see again in joy your joyful face."

145. The king hung upon his neck and kissed him like a son; like unto them have none been, neither upbringer nor upbrought. The knight rose and went away, to him their day seemed separated; Rostan, wise and softhearted, wept for him.

146. Avt’handil set out, a brave knight marching boldly; twenty days he journeyed, many a day he made one with the night. She is the joy of the world, she is treasure and due; he puts not away the thought of T’hinat’hin, of her for whom the flame burns.

147. Whenever he came there was rejoicing in the kingdom, nobles met him, they gave generous gifts; the sun-faced had not wasted time in his rapid journey. A dawning joy met them that came into his presence.

148. He had a strong city to strike terror in the marches; outside was a rock, I tell thee, with an unmortared wall. The knight spent there three days in the pleasant chase; he appointed his pupil, Shermadin, as vizier.

149. This is the slave Shermadin mentioned above, brought up with (Avt’handil), faithful and self-sacrificing to him. He knew not hitherto of the fire which burned the knight; now he (Avt’handil) revealed the hopeful words of the sun (T’hinat’hin).

150. He said: "Lo, Shermadin, for this I am ashamed before thee; thou knowest all my affairs and hast given heed to them; but hitherto thou hast not known what tears I have shed; in her from whom I had suffering I now find joy.

151. "I am slain by love and longing for T’hinat’hin; from the narcissus (eyes) hot tears moistened the frosted rose; I could not till now show my hidden woe, now has she bidden me hope, therefore thou seest me joyful.

152. "She said to me: 'Learn news of that lost knight, then come, I shall fulfil thy heart's desire; I want no husband save thee, a planted tree falls to my lot.' She gave me the balm of my heart, until that moment bound captive

153. "First, I am a knight; I wish to go forth to serve my lady. Faithfulness to kings is fitting, vassal must act as vassal; then, she has extinguished the fire, my heart is no longer consumed to soot; a man must not bend before misfortune, but meet it like a man.

154. "Of all lords and vassals thou and I are most friendly; therefore I entreat thee to hear this from mine own mouth; in my stead I appoint thee lord and chief over mine armies, I could not entrust this matter to others.

155. "Lead forth the soldiers to battle, rule the nobles,send messengers to court telling the state of affairs,write letters in my stead, present priceless gifts; why should it be known that I am not here? (thou must not let my absence be perceived).

156. "Represent me in military duties and in the hunting-field, wait here for me three years, keep my secret; perchance indeed I shall return, my aloe-tree shall not fade; but if I come not back, mourn me, weep for me, utter sighs.

157. "Tell the king forthwith–it is not a desirable deed- -announce my death to him, be as if thou art drunk; say to him: 'For him is come to pass the thing which none escape.' Give to the poor my treasure–gold, silver and copper.