The Knight in the Tiger's Skin, 1938

1595. THE front ranks of the warriors came upon the guard of the Khatavians. Tarlel's warnors put them to Hight, they pursued them, they threw them from their horses and brought them to Tarlel and Avt?handil. Those cried: ''Whose men are yeu"

1596. THEY answered: "0, lord, we have been deceived; we were sent here as guards,we are warriors of King Ramaz. "Tarle! commanded: "Go,.. ye wrathful fools, go, inform your master: 'They come, those brave of heart.'

1597. "SAY: fIt is the order of Tarlel, the proud and mighty king, thecourageous lord who strikes fear into his enemies: thine own guardswill bring thee tidings of me, fear will not save thee from death, grief is of no avail.

1598. "'WHO but a madman would think of intimidating the great! HoW' didst thou dare to make an assault on India, thou maddest of the mad! (I have come–the fire that shall utterly consume thee. I spall blunt my sharpened steel on the body.'"

1599. THE guards went, to outdistance the other. They related everything to Ramaz, they could hold back: nothing: "The king of India has come, he ,commands excellent warriors; who can hide himself from them? One of them alone is worth two of any other."

1600. TARIEL raised his banner and the Bag of his country. The banner of the Arabian king was also raised: all know that the lance is the weapon of the ArabS. P'hridon, the sun, is there too, the knight who spilled a pool of blood.

1601. THEY went a little farther" five hundred horsemen appeared. The Arabian knights who were there wished to engage in battle. Tariel said to them: "Donor thus." He made them to sue for forgiveness. The horsemen came up, Ramaioappeared, he had no armour, nor'had he even a: knife. '

1602. HE embraced the legs of Tariel's ,horse; sinking to his knees he began to entreat Tariel. He said to him: "Pity me for the sake: of Him whocreated thee do not let me live,let them carry me away dead. Fate has so smitten my heart that it must belong to you.

1603. "TEN years have passed since you departed, since you disappearedl, The birds are without a master, the eagle has broken its wings; that is why I have undertaken this affair over which we are contending. Long since has the world been lost to me as one loses at a game of dice."

1604. THEY all swore by the Almighty, fell on their knees before him: "For the sake of Him who created thee thus, do not kill." Tariel became pensive, Ramaz fell on his face before him. God giveth joy to repentant sinners, what man then can but forgive?

1605. STUDYING the writings of the sages, I found the following: The greatest courage for a man is not to kill his conquered enemy, but to stop in time-if you want to be truly brave,; remember these words. ' '

1606. THEREAT Tariel's heart softened, he was righteous; like unto qod. He said: "I shall kill no more; if the conquered is seized with fear, he will twist aright what was wrongly twisted. Now 1, have setright all that was wrong."

1607. THEY all made obeisance to him and bless him, they implored God to make greater their joy. They were saved from death, having received life from Tarid. Tarlel's sword is unappeased, it hungers for the flesh of the warriors. '

1608. MUSHTHAR appeared in order to see Tarlel. With his gentleness Tarlel calmed the fire of his wrath. They came to gaze at him; the troops of Ramaz could scarce find place. In: India a light like unto a column descended from the sky.

1609. A MAN came to these troops as a messenger: "He will not kill you, he has mercy on you." All blessed him. They sounded the bell and joyously they said: "He has come, that knight wh() single-handed has kille4 so many,"

1610. THEY went Eorth to meet Tarlel, they greeted him from afar. The Indians recognized their banner among the troops who raised their flag aloft, but they did not dare to trust them. They said: "They are plotting some treacherous deed." They expected not Tariel, they bathed in tears. .

1611. TARIEL drew closer and cried: "It is I, your king! My-star is nigh, her eyes flashing lightning. From on high the Almighty has given the wings of an eagle-come forth, I cannot endure' to ha'7e you so far."

1612. ONLY then did they recognize Tariel, they began t(} run up from all sides. The terraced roofs and great wtalls beamed with light. They conversed in loud voices, crying: "Our ailment has left us, now the Almighty, hitherto wrathful, has shown us His mercy!"

1613. THEY opened the door, they brought the keys; all those who came to look upon them were• dressed in mourning. The ,woman and the knight both wept, the roses of the garden were moistened; they screamed, they beat their heads, their .raven hair fell on the crystal.

1614. THE pupil, as was fitting, lost his senses for his master, the tearS that fall from his eyes were mote burning than fire; he beat his head, screamed, wept with fearful grief. He raked the thicket of jet with a crystal rake. '